

Study of the Loading System of the Coal Mining Electrical Traction Based on the Traction Characteristics

【作者】 马法杰

【导师】 李新平;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 矿业装备与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国煤矿现代化水平的不断提高,煤炭生产中所使用的各种采煤机也正朝着多功能、大功率、高精度等方向发展,作为采煤机行走的“双脚”,牵引部不仅担负着采煤机工作时的移动和非工作时的调动,而其牵引速度的大小也直接影响采煤机工作的效率和所受载荷的大小,对整机的生产率和工作性能会产生重要的影响,其工作可靠性和调速稳定性直接影响到工作面的产量。随着高产高效工作面的出现以及要求采煤机装机功率和牵引力的增大,同时为了工作面生产更加安全可靠,根据我国目前所维修和制造的各类采煤机的种类及未来的发展趋势,按照原煤炭工业部标准《采煤机出厂及整机试验技术要求》规定的要求,凡经维修或新制造的采煤机,在出厂前必修对其进行加载试验和性能检测。因此,结合现场实际和科研项目,研制一套功性能先进的电牵引采煤机双牵引部同步加载试验台,对完善采煤机的质量检验环节,提高采煤机的维修水平和制造质量,进而提高采煤机的工作可靠性,确保我国煤矿的高产高效具有十分重要的意义。本论文在结合以往采煤机加载试验的基础上,创新性的提出了采煤机左右牵引部同步加载的方案,把左右两个牵引部和变频控制系统放在同一试验台上,实现同步加载。并对变频器进行过电流、过电压、欠电压、缺相、漏电等试验。建立采煤机牵引部满载加载测试、变频器响应测试和整机调速协调性能测试的完整试验体系,本试验台的研制成功,不但可提高采煤机牵引部加载测试的精度平,降低人为因素影响,提高测试工作效率,还可大大节省开支,取得较大的经济效益和应用价值。采煤机双牵引部同步加载试验台方案的成功,是针对采煤机牵引部加载,首次提出左右牵引部同步加载技术,结合电控箱、变频器实现变频调速整体加载试验,不仅是对牵引箱的加载测试,更是对电控箱电器元件、变频器等的加载测试。双牵引部同步加载试验台的实现,可使采煤机牵引部加载技术上一个新的台阶,也为采煤机整机加载试验探索更完善的试验技术。

【Abstract】 With China’s coal modernization level unceasing enhancement, the coal production of a variety of coal winning machine in use is also improve toward multi-function, high power, high precision and so on direction, as coal winning machine walking "feet," traction of the shearer.two shoulder ministry not only work when the mobile and non-working hours when the transfer, and its traction speed is also affect the efficiency and the size of the load of the machine, the productivity and performance will have serious consequences, the working reliability and speed stability directly affect the production. With high yield and high efficiency are demanded the coal mining machine appear the installed power and traction, and to face increased production more safe and reliable, according to China’s current maintenance and manufacturing all kinds of coal winning machine types and future development trend, in accordance with the original coal industry standard "and the coal mining machine factory experiment technology requirements" specified requirements, all the maintenance or new manufacturing coal winning machine, before delivery to the required performance test and loading test.Therefore, combining with the actual and scientific research projects, developed a set of reactive performance advanced electric traction shearer.two double traction department to perfect synchronization loading test rig, the quality inspection of coal winning machine, improve the coal mining machine link maintenance level and manufacturing quality, thus improving the working reliability of coal winning machine, ensure the high yield and high efficiency in our coal mines have very important significance.This paper combined with previous coal winning machine loading test experience,, and on the basis of innovative puts forward coal winning machine around the scheme of synchronous loading traction, two traction department and around at the same frequency conversion control system test-bed, loading achieving synchronization. And the frequency converter for over electric current, over voltage and low voltage, phase lack, leakage current test. Establish coal winning machine traction with loading test, frequency converter of test and the coordinated response speed performance test complete test system, the successful development of the rig, it not only can improve traction shearer.two loading test accuracy of flat, and reduce human factors, to improve test efficiency, still can greatly reduce spending and make great economic benefits and application value.Coal winning machine double traction department synchronous loading test bench success, is scheme of traction shearer.two loading, first proposed of traction department synchronization about electric loading technology, combining realization, inverter frequency control overall loading test, is not only the loading test of the traction box, but for the electric appliances components, such as loading test of frequency. Double traction of the realization of synchronous loading test, can make the coal winning machine traction department loading technology go up to a new stage, and also for coal winning machine machine loading test explore more perfect test technology.


