

Experimental Research on Producing Oil-Coal-Water Slurry Used by Oily Sludge

【作者】 张大松

【导师】 高洪阁;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 油泥是油田开发及储运过程中产生的重要污染物之一,也是制约油田环境质量持续提高的一大难题。随着我国大多数油田进入中后期开采阶段,采出油中含水率越来越高,油泥产量将不断增加。如何妥善、科学地处理这些油泥,已成为困扰石油石化行业的一大难题。本研究通过水煤浆技术,利用油田油泥制备油煤水浆,对油泥的资源化、能源化利用和处置进行了积极探索。本文主要集中在以下几个方面对制备的油煤水浆进行了试验研究:(1)利用油泥制备油煤水浆的可行性研究。根据油泥和煤样性质,采用将油泥分散处理与高浓度水煤浆混掺的设计方案,研究了制备的油煤水浆的成浆性。结果表明,降粘后油泥添加量为20%~25%,制备的油煤水浆表观粘度均在1000 mPa-s以下,且具有良好的流动性,成浆性较好;在不添加稳定剂的情况下,30 d内未发生硬沉淀或分层现象,具有较高的稳定性,满足工业应用的要求。(2)通过热分析试验,研究了油泥、水煤浆以及油煤水浆的燃烧特性。结果表明,油泥的掺入使油煤水浆的着火温度较普通水煤浆提前,挥发分析出燃烧更迅速,但是可燃性指数和燃烧特性指数略有下降,降低了浆体燃烧的着火和燃尽性能。油煤水浆燃烧特性总体表现贴近水煤浆的燃烧结果,热重曲线基本位与水煤浆燃烧曲线相似。(3)对利用油泥制备的油煤水浆燃烧后烟气和燃烧后灰渣浸出液重金属含量进行检测。结果表明,油泥添加比例25%制备的油煤水浆燃烧后烟气排放和燃烧后灰渣浸出液重金属含量符合国家相关要求。利用分散技术对油泥进行降粘制备油煤水浆,油泥的加入不仅有效降低了料浆生产成本,增加了企业的经济效益,而且达到了油泥处理的减量化、无害化、资源化要求,为油泥的处理利用提供了一种新的方法和思路,具有广阔的发展空间。

【Abstract】 Oil sludge is not only one of important pollutant in the development and transportation of oilfield, but also a different problem of oil field environment quality continuous improvement. With China’s most oilfield exploitation passing into the mid-late period, oil moisture content is more and more high, output of oil sludge will continue to increase. How to dispose the oil sludge properly and scientifically has become a great problem of petroleum and petrochemical industry. The study make a positive exploration of oil sludge energy-oriented use and disposal which base on the technology of CWS(coal water slurry). The experimental researches of the production of the oil-coal-water slurry are mainly focus on the following aspects:Firstly, the feasibility study of the oil-coal-water slurry’s production used by the oily sludge. According to the properties of oil and coal, adopt the design proposal that mixing the scattered processing sludge and high concentration coal-water slurry, studied the coal-oil-water slurry preparation into slurry ability. Results indicate that apparent viscosity of oil-coal-water slurry is blow the 1000 mPa-s and the fluidity and slurry ability are good when the additive quality of the oily sludge which viscosity is reduced is 20%-25%; the oil-coal-water slurry won’t hard precipitation or quantize without stabilizer, it has high stability and meets the requirements of the industry application.Secondly, throw the thermal analysis tests studying the oil sludge, coal-water slurry and oil-coal-water slurry. The results showed that with the mixing of oil sludge making oil-coal-water slurry advance ignition temperature than common coal-water slurry, a more rapid burning volatile analysis, but combustible index and combustion characteristic index declined slightly, reduced the slurry burning fire and burn performance. The combustion characteristics of the oil-coal-water slurry are closed to the combustion results of the coal water slurry, and the thermogravimetric curves are similar to the combustion curves of the coal-water slurry.Thirdly, the smoke came from burning oil-coal-water slurry which production from oily sludge and the heavy metal contents came form the combustion ash and slag leach solution are inspected. The results showed that the smoke emission of the oil-coal-water slurry combustion and the heavy metal contents came from the combustion ash and slag leach solution in accordance with the relevant national requirements when the dosage ratio of the oily sludge is 25%.The addition of the oil sludge not only reduce the cost of the production and increase the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can meet the requirements of the reduction, harmlessness, resource of the oil sludge dispose when producing the oil-coal-water slurry using dispersion technique on viscosity of the oily sludge, which provides a new approach and way to deal with oil sludge and has a broad space for development.


