

Study on Mine Water Disasters Geophysical Information Management System Based on GIS

【作者】 时继虎

【导师】 于师建; 江涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿井水灾害是煤矿生产中的主要灾害之一,它严重影响煤矿正常的安全生产活动。由于我国煤矿水文地质条件的复杂性,在生产过程中积累了大量的矿井水灾害信息,对这些信息进行有效的管理和分析,对于指导煤矿安全生产与灾害防治具有十分重要的意义。矿井水灾害地球物理探测数据量大,形式各种各样,既有实体的属性描述,又有空间参考信息。传统的CAD制图与关系数据库相结合的管理方式已很难满足矿井水灾害地球物理信息管理的需要。采用先进的地理信息系统(GIS)和高效的空间数据管理平台进行数据管理,是未来矿井水灾害信息管理的重要趋势。本文阐述了矿井水灾害地球物理信息管理系统设计的基本思路及实现方法,结合矿井水灾害探测的实际情况,以面向对象的编程工具Visual C#2.0为开发工具,采用ArcEngine空间数据管理模式与Oracle 10g关系数据库数据管理模式结合的方式,开发了一套方便、实用的矿井水灾害地球物理信息管理系统。系统利用ADO.NET技术访问Oracle 10g数据库中的逻辑结构,并通过ArcGIS Engine开发平台提供的组件对图层、属性以及视图信息进行管理,实现了对项目施工参数、施工日志、测线信息、项目方法、成果图件以及项目综合评价报告等矿井水灾害地球物理基本数据信息的录入,以及对矿井水灾害空间信息与属性信息数据的查询、访问和下载等功能。基于GIS的矿井水灾害地球物理信息管理系统的建立,实现了矿井地球物理数据的可视化管理,为煤矿安全生产与管理部门决策提供了资料依据。系统科学、先进的管理方式是传统数据管理模式所无法比拟的,为现代化矿井的建设奠定了重要基础。

【Abstract】 Mine water disaster is one of the major disasters in mine’s production, which seriously affected the normal activities of the mine’s safety production.As the result of the complexity of our country’s Hydrogeological conditions; it accumulated a large amount of mine water hazards information. If these can be managed and analyzed effectively, this will be of great significance for guiding mine’s safety production and disasters prevented.Mine water disasters geophysical have a big quantity data and a variety of forms. It has not only attribute data, but also spatial data. The traditional management of combined CAD drawing and relational database can not meet the requirments of managing mine water geophysical data. Using the advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) and efficient spatial data management platform to manage geophysical data is an important trend in the future.This paper presents the basic thoughtway and realization of the mine water diasaters geophysical information system, with the actual situation of mine water disaster detection, using the object-oriented programming tool Visual C# 2.0 as a development tool, and the way of combined spatial data management of the ArcEngine and relational database management of the Oracle 10g, to develop a convenient and practical mine water disaster geophysical information management system.The system has realized the inputting of the mine water geophysical disasters basic data such as the consruction parameters, logs, survey line information, methods, result picture and evaluation reports, and the functions such as data query, access and downloads to the spatial information and attribute information of the mine water disaster, by ADO.NET technology to access the database logical structure and ArcGIS Engine development platform by providing information on the components of the layers, properties, and the view management.The water disaster geophysical information management system based on GIS has realized visualization management of mine geophysical data, and provided data proof for mine’s safety production and mansgement decisions. It reveals the remarkable advantages over the mode of traditional management in scientific and advanced management.It settles an important foundation for the construction of modern mine.


