

Study of Qingdao Technology Enterprises Incubators Alliance Networking Management and Operation System

【作者】 温倩

【导师】 韩善灵; 柳华文;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 科技企业孵化器作为一种高投资回报率高风险的组织形式在推动地区经济发展、解决就业、加快科技成果转化等方面起着巨大的作用。科技企业孵化器的可持续发展直接影响着一个地区,乃至一个国家的经济发展。随着经济的发展科技企业孵化器的数量不断增加,面对孵化资源的有限性中小型科技企业孵化器遇到了其发展瓶颈。基于资源的有限性,联盟是科技企业孵化器发展的一个必然趋势。联盟的实现可减少孵化资源分配不均的现象,对各联盟成员的资源进行合理化共享减少重复投资造成的资源浪费。网络化管理是一种低成本,高效率实现科技企业孵化器联盟的途径,能最大程度上实现资源的共享,促成科技成果的转化。目前针对孵化器联盟网络化管理的研究还很少,研究科技企业孵化器联盟网络管理及运营十分必要。论文以科技企业孵化器联盟作为研究对象对青岛市科技企业孵化器现状进行分析。分析结果表明青岛市在经济政治科技方面具有很强优势但存在节点分散、资金来源单一、孵化资源分配不均、与科技源头合作程度低等劣势。在此基础上论文提出青岛市科技企业孵化器联盟的方案,进行联盟网络服务平台构建并对联盟网络化管理及运营系统进行研究。最后从资源优化配置、协同效应等角度结合青岛与北京跨区域合作和青岛橡胶谷的实例对青岛市科技企业孵化器联盟的可行性进行验证。结果表明,青岛市科技企业孵化器联盟网络化运作是可行的。

【Abstract】 The science and technology enterprises incubator is an organization with high RIO (return on investment) but high risk. It plays an important role in stimulating the economic growth, solving problems like unemployment, as well as speeding up the process of transforming scientific and technological achievements into productivity. Therefore, it is very important for the regional and the national economy development. The medium and small-sized enterprises incubator meets its’ development bottleneck when face the limitation of technology resource and the continuous increase of the number of incubators. Alliance is an inexorable trend for science and technology enterprises incubator. Alliance can achieve the aim of resource sharing among the members, so as to reduce the negative effects brought from uneven resource allocation and the waste of resource caused by overlapping investment. Networking management is a low cost method for enterprises incubator alliance with high efficiency. It maximizes the degree of resource sharing and the transformation of science and technology achievement. Up until now, there is little research on the networking management of science and technology enterprises incubator alliance, so it is necessary to study the networking management and operation of science and technology enterprises incubator alliance.The study takes science and technology enterprises incubator alliance as the research object, analyzing the current situation of science and technology enterprises incubator in Qingdao. Analytical results indicate that Qingdao has a predominance poison at the aspects of economy, policy and technology, however it has many disadvantages on the aspect of technology development, such as scattered location, single-sourced funding, uneven resource distribution, and so on. So this paper proposals a program to build Qingdao science and technology enterprises incubator alliance and its network service platform, then have a detailed study of its management and operation system. At last, base on the aspects of reasonable resource allocation and synergistic effect, this paper analyzes two successful examples of corporation, one of them is the corporation between Qingdao and Beijing, a trans-regional cooperation and the other is a regional corporation-Qingdao rubber valley. The result is to support the feasibility of the operation of science and technology enterprises incubator alliance in Qingdao.


