

Research on Evaluation of Service Quality in BOT Projects

【作者】 郑海洋

【导师】 宋金波;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 作为私人资本参与国家基础设施和公用事业项目的一种非常有效的方式,BOT模式自1984年提出以来便开始世界范围内得到了广泛的应用。我国首个BOT项目是在1985年成功兴建的深圳沙角B电厂,随后我国陆续颁布了许多鼓励私有资本积极参与基础设施项目的文件,在20多年的时间内,BOT模式在水处理、发电厂和公共交通等基础设施领域内得到了广泛的应用。随着应用的深入,BOT模式也逐渐暴露出一些问题。为了吸引私营资本参与基础设施建设、减少政府的财政支出,政府往往关注项目的特许价格、特许期、投标人能力与业绩等短期绩效指标,而忽视了项目服务质量监管。长春汇津污水处理厂、广东番禺垃圾焚烧发电厂等失败的案例都反映出这种做法的漏洞。尽管2004年建设部陆续出台了城市供水、管道燃气和城市生活垃圾处理项目的特许经营协议示范文本,然而,示范文本过于简略、忽视了项目服务质量的有关规制条款,无法为各地政府监管BOT项目提供有效的指导。鉴于此,本研究的主要目的就是针对BOT项目服务质量缺乏完善、可靠的评价依据这一问题,构建一个合理的服务质量指标体系,同时选择一种有效地评价方法对其实施评价以解决我国BOT项目服务质量监管缺乏科学依据的问题。本研究在服务质量等级模型的基础上,通过文献调研和专家访谈等方法构建了BOT项目服务质量概念模型,进而确立了BOT项目服务质量指标体系。指标体系包含服务过程质量、服务环境质量和服务结果质量三个维度,共有9个一级指标,19个二级指标。在评价模型的构建方面,本研究选择多级模糊综合评价法为主体,将专家主观权重和熵值法相结合构建了模糊熵权系数法来确定各指标的权重。最后,本研究将所构建的服务质量评价模型运用到深圳沙角B电厂的案例中,详细介绍了评价的实施步骤,得到该项目的整体服务质量及各个维度的服务质量状况,并对评价结果进行了分析。

【Abstract】 As an effective way for private capital participating in the national infrastructure and public utility projects, BOT mode has been widely used in the world since 1984 when it was proposed firstly. Shajiao B power plant which was built in 1985 is our country’s first successful BOT project. Then, China promulgated many documents to encourage private capital involved in infrastructure projects actively. During last more than 20 years, BOT mode has been widely used in water treatment, power plants, public transport infrastructure field etc.With the deepening of the application, the BOT has exposed some problems gradually. In order to attract private capital participation in infrastructure construction and reduce government expenditure, the government tend to focus on short-term performance indicators, such as concession price, concession period, bidder’s ability and performance etc., ignoring supervision of project service quality. The failure of many cases, such as Huijin sewage treatment plant and Panyu garbage incineration power plant etc. reflects vulnerabilities of this practice. The ministry of construction has promulgated the franchise agreement demonstrative document in urban water supply, pipeline gas and urban waste treatment projects since 2004; however, these documents are too brief and ignoring the regulation terms of project service quality, which can’t provide effective guidance for government regulating BOT projects.BOT project service quality evaluation lack of reliable and perfect evaluation basis, so, this study try to set up a reasonable service quality index system, and chose an effective evaluation method to solve the lack of scientific basis in BOT project service quality supervision.Based on service quality level model, this study constructs BOT project service quality concept model through interviewing experts and investigating literature and then establishes the BOT project service quality index system. The system conclude 3 dimensions which are service process quality, service environment quality and service quality,9 index and 19 sub index. In the construction of the evaluation model, this study uses multi-grade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method as main evaluation method and combines experts subjective weight and entropy method to construct the fuzzy entropy weight coefficient method to determine the weight of the indexes. At last, this study constructs BOT projects service quality evaluation model and applies it to Shajiao B power plant. This study introduces the implementation of the evaluation process, got the project’s overall service quality and each dimension’s service quality, and analyzed evaluation results.


