

A Study of Management Reform of Party Newspapers in Omnimedia Era

【作者】 张轶

【导师】 王前;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,与新中国一同成长起来的各级党报迎来了前所未有的冲击。一方面,上世纪末都市报的崛起,打破了党报一统天下的传统格局;另一方面,网络等新媒体的出现,对包括报纸在内的传统媒体带来了巨大的挑战。因此,党报的变革、尤其是管理层面的变革迫在眉睫。本文通过理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,辅之以比较分析法、分析综合法、文献研究法和调查法等,以国内多家党报为案例,借鉴各方面的先进经验,对国内外报业发展过程中的管理变革进行分析研究。同时,辅以作者本人在美国做访问学者期间的切身感受,就全媒体时代美国报业的变革进行了比较研究,以期从中找出可资借鉴的经验和做法。在此基础上,对如何推动党报管理变革提出改进建议。本文认为,全媒体时代,党报首先应明确自身的优势与定位,做大做强权威性,保持公信力;其次,面对新媒体的巨大冲击,应当树立新媒体与传统媒体是共存关系而不是替代关系的观念;第三,应从以下几个方面对党报进行管理变革,一是明确党报的管理定位,二是推动党报内部机制变革,三是提升党报的质量管理水平,四是创新党报的人才建设体系,五是加大党报媒介融合的力度,六是树立党报的品牌管理意识。面对“报纸消亡论”,党报管理应以全媒体时代的挑战为契机,实施有效转型,从而在新一轮的媒体竞争中把握主动,发挥更大作用。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, Party Newspapers at all levels who are growing up together with the new China, have been in an unprecedented shock. On the one hand, the rise of all kinds of city daily newspapers at the end of last century has broken the traditional pattern of the Party Newspaper’s domination; on the other hand, the emergence of internet and other new media has brought big challenges to all traditional media including newspaper. Therefore, the reform of Party Newspaper, especially at the level of management, becomes urgent.Through theory and empirical analysis, backed by comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, literature review and other survey methods, this paper studies and analyzes the management reform during the development of newspaper industry at home and abroad, with case studies of many inland Party Newspapers and with reference to the advanced experience of many. At the same time, with the self-experiences in US as visiting scholar, the author conducts a comparative analysis of US newspaper industry in the Omnimedia Era, in order to find some practical experience and make suggestions on the management reform of Party Newspaper.This paper argues that in the Omnimedia Era, Party Newspaper shall firstly make clear of self advantage and position, enhancing the authority and retaining the public credibility; secondly, facing the challenge of new media, Party Newspaper shall realize that the relationship between the traditional and new media shall be concurrence in stead of substitution; thirdly, the management reform of Party Newspaper shall include:1. Make clear of the management position2. Promote the inside system reform3. Improve the quality management4. Innovate the talents development system5. Enhance the combination with new media6. Set up the awareness of brand managementFacing the Newspaper Withering Away Theory, Party Newspaper management shall take the challenge for a chance in the Omnimedia Era, implement effective transformation and thus seize the initiative in the media competition and play the bigger role in the society.

【关键词】 全媒体党报变革
【Key words】 OmnimediaParty NewspaperReform

