

Error Analysis of Be Usage in Mongolian Students’ English Compositions

【作者】 诺敏

【导师】 高桂珍;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 英语BE动词形态复杂,功能繁多。BE动词由于兼有系动词,助动词和主动词的特点和作用,其复杂性给英语学习者造成了很大的习得困难。并且操不同母语的学习者,如母语为蒙古语的学习者,所面临的困难又不尽相同。蒙古族学生所接受的是“三语”教育,即蒙古语、汉语和英语三门语言。由于这三种语言的不同表达方式,尤其是be的不同形式,蒙古族学生在掌握英语be动词方面更具有很大困难。本文以对比分析、错误分析、语言迁移等理论为理论基础和分析手段,对蒙古族大学生作文中的Be动词错误进行了个案研究。旨在找出、总结这些错误的规律,分析它们产生的原因,从而关注和发现蒙古族学生Be动词使用过程中的母语迁移现象。本文收集了呼伦贝尔学院一年级和二年级蒙汉双语的蒙古族大学生的218篇英语作文,针对作文中的Be动词使用的错误进行了分析。首先,将错误进行归类,重点探究错误产生的原因。在收集到的218篇英语作文中,总共发现了557个Be动词错误。这些错误归为五种,集中在主谓一致、时态、语态、添加和省略问题上。其中Be动词省略错误最突出,占其他错误中的30.38%。研究结果表明:蒙古族大学生在英语学习中所出现的Be动词错误源自语际和语内两方面的影响。其中语际因素的影响是导致错误产生的主要因素,即受母语负迁移的影响较大。因此,对BE动词及其相关结构给蒙古族大学生所造成的学习困难,有一个全面的了解和认识,不仅具有理论意义,而且具有实践上的教学启示。在理论上,Be动词习得研究能够帮助我们发现语言习得过程中的普遍性制约因素。在教学实践中,对学习难点的调查,尤其是对掌握蒙汉双语的蒙古族大学生学习难点和特点的掌握,有助于我们研究者和语言教师找到解决学习难题的办法和针对性的教学方法。

【Abstract】 The verb be has complex forms and various functions in English. Because of its complexity and multiple functions learners of English as the second language and as the third language have great difficulties in mastering the usage of verb be. Especially, the students of Mongolian Ethnic Minority who can speak both Mongolian and Chinese at different levels face different kinds of difficulties.Previous research has analyzed various errors made by the students of Mongolian Ethnic Minority in their study of English, such as errors in sentence structure, word choice and phonetic comparisons. The main purpose of this study is to focus on the errors of be made by Mongolian students in their English compositions.This thesis, on the basis of the theories of Error Analysis, contrastive analysis, language transfer, undertakes a case study of the errors of be made by Mongolian students in their English compositions, for the purpose of finding out the regular patterns of these errors and the causes. In addition, the author has paid particular attention to the language transfer phenomenon in verb be used by the Mongolian students.The research samples are collected from 218 English compositions written by Mongolian students. The subjects of this study are 91 Mongolian students (76 female and 15 male) from the Foreign Language College of Hulunbeier University. They are all English majors, ranging from freshmen to sophomores. Besides, more information is obtained through questionnaires and interviews.The study results revealed that 557 errors of verb be are found in Mongolian students writings. Among them, the omission errors are the biggest type, accounting for 31.42 percent. Errors in voice are the smallest type, accounting for 5.21 percent. The phenomena of two types of errors could be influenced by negative transfer of mother tongue.In summary, this thesis has classified and analyzed the errors of verb be made by Mongolian students in their compositions. The author hopes to offer some suggestions for the further study on this issue. It may be useful for our English teachers to develop effective teaching methodology for the English learning of Mongolian students.


