

Research on the VMI Application of Dalian Goodyear Tires Limited Company

【作者】 胡国营

【导师】 王东华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,供应商管理用户库存作为有效减少供应链库存成本的方法已经受到越来越多企业的青睐。这种新型的库存管理模式打破了以往各自为政的库存管理方法,能以系统、集成的思想对整个供应链的库存进行控制。在供应商管理库存的模式下,整个供应链的上下游企业能实现需求预测信息和销售数据的共享,这种信息的共享能有效地降低缺货的风险。供应商管理库存的应用不但能够降低整个供应链的库存成本,提高订单交付的速度,而且能提高客户满意度,让企业更专注于其核心业务的发展。每个具体的企业的实际情况不一样,供应链的企业性质也不一样,所以在设计其VMI模式时,我们需要考虑到这些差异并做出相应调整,提出真正适合企业的VMI方案,已经成为大家亟待解决的问题。全文共分5部分:第一章为绪论,通过对供应商管理库存的基本情况和一些应用案例提出了研究内容、方法和框架。第二章:第三方物流的相关理论,包括概念、特征、分类和作用。VMI的相关理论,涵盖了概念、核心思想和应用模式。第三章:第三方物流参与到VMI的模式第四章:固特异轮胎有限公司的供应链现状,指出了其中的问题,以及引入VMI的必要性。第五章:设计了针对固特异实际情况的VMI模式,包括了其经销商合作伙伴的选择和VMI中转仓库的选址、基本VMI模式的流程以及整个战略组织的框架协议和对VMI模式的绩效考核。

【Abstract】 VMI has been more and more popular among companies as a new method for warehouse management since 2000. It breaks the traditional warehouse management counting on individual efforts. Under VMI, the whole supply chain can achieve information-sharing and lower risks of being of out stock efficiently. VMI is able to not only cut down warehouse cost of the whole supply chain but also speed up order delivery and improve customer satisfactions. It has been an urgent problem to design VMI for a concrete company based on its special case.The paper contents five chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the statement of research contents, methods and frameworks of the paper.Chapter 2 gives a brief introduction of TPL, which contains the conception, features, classification and effects. Also this chapter mainly focuses on VMI centering on its conception, application patterns and advantages.Chapter 3 mainly centers on VMI pattern with TPL involved.Chapter 4 makes a study on Dalian Goodyear Limited Company. It points out the problems existed and then stresses the application of VMI.Chapter 5 includes the design of VMI between Goodyear and its dealers. It points out standards of choosing partners and location of VMI warehouse. The VMI flow and framework agreement are also included in the end.

【关键词】 供应商管理库存第三方物流供应链
【Key words】 VMITPLSupply Chain
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.72
  • 【下载频次】169

