

Research of Order Process Management in Dalian S Company

【作者】 陈若冰

【导师】 张令荣;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , MBA, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济全球化快速发展,企业面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争;同时客户个性化定制需求增多,企业需要对客户需求做出快速响应。订单处理对客户需求和市场竞争的反应速度起到全方位的影响;而订单处理流程作为物流管理的核心流程,在提高客户满意度和提升企业竞争力等方面起着非常重要的作用。本文以大连S电梯有限公司为研究背景,运用了流程管理、流程优化和ACE的相关理论,针对公司现有的订单处理流程现状进行了研究;同时提出了改进的方式,对提高企业的市场竞争力和客户满意度等方面具有重大的意义。文章主要分为六个部分。第一部分为绪论,介绍了本文的研究背景和意义,简单介绍了文章的研究思路和结构;第二部分为相关理论综述,介绍了面向订单生产型企业订单处理的特点、流程、流程管理、流程优化以及ACE质量管理方法和ERP等理论;第三部分为大连S电梯有限公司订单处理流程管理现状分析,介绍了公司的订单处理相关部门的组织结构、生产特点和现有的订单处理的流程,并且对流程管理中存在的问题和问题的原因进行了分析;第四部分为大连S电梯有限公司订单处理流程管理改进方案,介绍了改进的原则和目标,运用了前面介绍的理论对流程管理的改进进行研究并提出了新的流程设计方案;第五部分为保障措施,从组织结构调整、企业文化、相关人员培训和沟通管理四个方面提出了保障新的订单处理流程顺利实施的措施;第六部分为本文的结论部分。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as economic globalization fast development, enterprise faced with fierce market competition; while customer personalized demand increased, enterprise need to make fast response for customer demand. Order processing can make Omni-directional effect on customer demand and market competition. Orders process as core of logistics management play a important role in improve user satisfaction and upgrade enterprise competitive.This article research background is Dalian S elevator company, base on the theories of order management, process management, process optimization and ACE; study on existing order process, to improve the market competitiveness and customer satisfaction.Articles are divided into six parts. The first part is introduction, describes research background and significance, brief introduce article of research thought and structure; the second part is expound related theory, such as process, process management, process optimization, the way of process optimization, ACE quality management method and ERP; the third part is order processing process management status analysis of Dalian S elevator company, describes the organization structure of order processing process related department, production features, orders processing present situation, exists problem and cause those problem analyze; the fourth parts is introduce the process improved principles and target, used the related theory design the new process, the fifth part is ensured measures, this part from the aspect of enterprise culture, training, organization structure adjustment and communication management to ensure new process implement successfully; the sixth parts is conclusions of article.

【关键词】 订单流程优化
【Key words】 OrderProcessOptimization
  • 【分类号】F273;F426.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200

