

Development on Attitude-Measuring Sensor for Deep Sea Application

【作者】 何峰

【导师】 王金城;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 海洋平台在服役过程中受风、浪、流联合作用引起的疲劳损伤积累、立管涡激振动等不利作用对平台的主要结构浮体、锚泊系统以及柔性结构造成不利影响,从而对平台的运行造成很大的安全隐患。为了保障平台结构的安全性、完整性、适用性与耐久性,需要设计健康监测系统,通过实施监测运营阶段关键构件应变响应,确定平台在运营期间的整体结构状态和局部构件的受力特征,评估结构的安全水平并进行预警。对于平台水上浮体及环境要素的监测虽然难度较大,但是在技术上还是比较成熟的,国内外都有比较成熟的产品供选择;然而对于平台水下关键节点的监测在国内还处于刚起步阶段,只有几个院校在从事这方面的研究,在国外也只有少数几个公司掌握了关键的测量技术。本文以测量水下锚链倾角和立管振动信息为目标,开发了专用的水下测量的系统——自容式倾角仪和自容式加速度计。这两套测量装置均是基于16位微功耗处理器MSP430开发的,经过多次的改版及优化软硬件设计,使得其具有体积小巧、高精度、低功耗、海量存储及简易操作等特点;后期又对装置做了严格的性能测试、标定、老化处理及模拟平台环境测试,保证了测量结果的准确性及系统运行的稳定性。该装置可在水下连续工作长达半年,相比于国外同类产品,成本较低,适于大范围多点测量,目前已经应用在我国南海“挑战”号平台的锚链及立管的测量中。

【Abstract】 Offshore platform in its service is often subject to the combined effects of the wind, the waves and the currents, which make the key structures, like the floating, mooring system and flexible structures, seriously damaged, and pose a grave threat to the production safety of the platform. So in order to guarantee the platform security, integrity and durability, we need to design a healthy monitoring system to measure the strain response of the key components of the platform. And determine the force characteristics, assess the platform’s health, then achieve the purpose of early warning.Although the monitoring for the floating system and environmental elements is very difficult, the technology is mature. Both domestic and foreign have related products. However, the monitoring for the underwater part of the platform is still in early stage in our country, only a few institutions engage in this field. Several foreign companies master the key technology in this field.This paper mainly presents the research and development of the measuring devices--self-contained inclinometer and self-contained accelerometer. Based on the requirement of offshore platform monitoring, the devices completely and accurately record the anchor’s inclination and riser’s vibration. The two devices are developed based on the low-power-consumption 16-bit microcontroller MSP430. Laboratory calibration, platform movement simulation experiment, and real platform testing confirmed that the performance of the instrument can meet the measurement requirements. The devices have characteristics of small-size, high-precision, energy-economical, mass-storage and user-friendly. They are able to work underwater continuously for up to half a year. Compared with the foreign counterparts, the new devices are cheaper and more suitable for extensive multi-point measurement. Now they have been installed in Nan Hai Tiao Zhan FPS platform in the South China Sea for measurement of anchor chain inclination and riser vibration.

【关键词】 海洋监测自容式倾角加速度单片机
【Key words】 Offshore monitoringSelf-containedInclinometeraccelerometerSCM

