

RIL Design and Implementation of Android Dual Sim Dual Standby Mobile Phone

【作者】 李涛

【导师】 李明伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着移动互联网所引领的第五次IT浪潮的到来,手机、平板电脑等智能终端已经融入了人们的生活。伴随着通信技术的发展,人们的通信业务也逐渐增多,人们对终端的需求越来越高。很多用户为了满足他们的通讯需求,需要一个手机可以承载多张的SIM卡,所以这就迫切需要多模多待手机的出现,使手机可以承载多个电话号码。2004年8月,高通公司与中国联通公司联手推出“世界风”双模手机,这使中国的运营商第一次走在了全世界的前面。但它是完全建立在两套芯片组之上的简单叠加,并不是真正意义上的双模手机,不能做到双模自动切换和同时待机。经过不断发展,出现了共用一套基带、一套射频,但只运行一套系统,同时协调工作的双卡双待机,它使用户只需带一部手机就能做到两张卡的电话都不错过。Google Android是由开放手机联盟于2007年发布的基于Linux内核的开源移动终端平台,自从问世以来,不断有新的运营商、设备厂商、开发商加入Android阵营,通过合作以及不断地创新,推出了大量基于Android的新产品。当然,这其中必然包括基于Android系统的双卡双待手机。本文的主要工作是在高通公司提供的MSM7x27Android双卡双待平台上完成的,MSM7x27平台利用一套系统共用基带和射频的方式实现双卡双待。本文在熟悉MSM7x27开发平台软硬件基础上,研究了RIL的双卡双待实现,以RIL为基础深入研究了Android呼叫控制流程,并为了方便OEM对RIL的功能扩展,在RIL中新增一个OEMRILHook功能模块,使OEMs可以方便的扩展RIL功能,从框架层接口的设计模式到RIL层具体代码实现都进行了深入细致的介绍分析。最后,在OEMRILHook功能模块基础上独立开发了一款上层应用:双模网络自动切换,通过这款应用在手机上进一步验证了双卡双待RIL和OEMRILHook模块的正确性和稳定性。总之,Android系统双卡双待手机的开发,既满足了人们日益增长的通信需求,又满足了人们对智能手机操作系统的需求。并且本人独立开发的OEMRILHook模块,缩短了OEMs对RIL的开发周期,降低了开发难度;基于OEMRILHook模块开发的网络切换应用,实现了双模网络自动切换,使得双模手机拥有更好的用户体验。

【Abstract】 With today’s rapid development of information technology in the world, mobile communications technology has been integrated into people’s lives. People demand more and more high standard mobile phone. Many users have multiple phones to replace the SIM card to meet their communications needs. Therefore, there is an urgent need for multi-mode mobile phone which can carry more than one SIM card.In August 2004, China Unicom and Qualcomm jointly launched the "World Wind" dual-mode handset, which makes China the first time to go in front of the world. But it is entirely built on the top of two chipsets simple sum, not a real sense of the dual-mode handsets. Through continuous development, there has been a kind of dual cards dual standby mobile phone that only running a system and use only one set of baseband. Google Android is an open source Linux-based mobile terminal platform which is released in 2007 by the Open Mobile Alliance. Since its inception, there have been a lot of operators, equipment manufacturers, developers join in the Android camp. Through the cooperation and constant innovation, there have been a large number of new products based on Android. Of course, this must include the Android-based dual card dual standby mobile phone.This paper’s main task is based on the MSM7x27 Android Qualcomm dual card dual standby platform. MSM7x27 platform uses a common baseband and RF system to achieve the dual card dual standby. In this paper, to understand the premise of software and hardware of MSM7x27 platform, I studied the dual card dual standby RIL implementation and deeply studied the Android-based call control process. In order to facilitate the OEM extension functions of RIL, I added an OEMRILHook functional module in RIL. Finally, as the basis of independent functional module developed an upper layer application:dual-mode network automatic switching, and through this application on the phone validate the correctness and stability of RIL and OEMRILHook modules.Above all, Android Dual Sim Dual Standby mobile phone, not only meets the growing communication needs of people, but also meets people on the smart phone operating system. The OEMRILHook module shortens OEMs’development cycle of the RIL, and reduces the development effort; the development of OEMRILHook-based application:dual-mode network automatic switching, realizes GSM and CDMA network’s automatic switching, and makes the dual-mode phone has a better user experience.

【关键词】 AndroidRILOEMRILHook高通双模
【Key words】 AndroidRILQualcommOEMRILHookDual-mode
  • 【分类号】TN929.53
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】204

