

Development of Smart Car Control System Based on Image Sensor

【作者】 郝帅

【导师】 潘学军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 智能汽车作为众多高新技术的综合载体,在智能交通系统中的扮演着重要的角色。本文以全国大学生智能汽车竞赛为背景,对智能车控制系统进行研究和设计。采用Freescale16位微处理器作为核心控制芯片,基于数字图像传感器采集视频图像,通过对采集的图像进行处理分析,获取道路信息,自主识别行驶路线,并结合测速反馈实现对车体的闭环控制,使智能车能够在规定的跑道上安全、快速地行驶。论文的主要工作如下:首先,针对控制要求对智能车系统的机械结构进行改造。结合现代汽车的相关理论,通过实验的方式对智能车底盘、前轮定位参数、齿轮传动机构、后轮及差速器进行了调整;讨论了图像传感器的安装原则与位置校正;分析了转向舵机对智能车系统产生的影响,为图像传感器与转向舵机设计出了合理、可靠的安装方式。其次,文章对智能车系统的硬件电路进行了设计。分别对核心控制模块、电源管理模块、图像采集模块、电机驱动模块、舵机驱动模块、测速功能模块等部分的电路进行设计,保证智能车具有良好、稳定的硬件支撑。最后,在智能车系统的软件设计中,给出了系统软件的总体架构,介绍了图像采集的流程,针对道路的特征给出了图像处理及路径识别的算法,从建模的角度对智能汽车的控制策略进行了分析和研究,在此基础上,借鉴生物免疫反馈机理并结合模糊理论,提出了一种模糊免疫自适应PID控制器,使智能车在高速行驶状态下的具有良好的目标轨迹跟踪性能。

【Abstract】 As a carrier of many high-tech integrated, smart car plays an important role in intelligent transportation system. The smart car system uses the Freescalel6 bit microprocessor as a core control chip. The micro-controller obtains lane image information based on a digital image sensor then adjusts the model car’s moving position and direction. The system uses the closed-loop control so that the smart car is able to track in safety and drive quickly on the road.The main thesis is as follows:First of all, for the control system it has to transform the mechanical structure. With the theory of modern vehicles, front wheel alignment parameters, gear transmission and rear differentials have been adjusted through experiments. Installation and calibration of the image sensor have been discussed too. According to analyze the impact of steering gear for the smart car system, we designed reasonable and reliable manner of the installation.Secondly, the hardware circuits of smart car system are designed. Respectively, the core control module, power management module, image acquisition module, motor driver module, gear-driven module, and speed test module are carefully designed to ensure that the smart car has a good and stable hardware support.Finally, in software design of the smart car system, the process of image acquisition is described. Image processing and identify algorithm have been analyzed. According to this analysis, direction control strategy and speed control strategy are researched. Comparing with the traditional PID controller, an immune adaptive PID controller by drawing on the regulation of immune feedback mechanism is designed in order to improve the tracking quality for smart car to track the target under a high speed.


