

Effects of Fertilization and Planting Density on Spearmint Essential Oil Yield and Quality

【作者】 赵志鹏

【导师】 高致明;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以苏格兰留兰香(Mentha cardiace Geraede.)为材料,针对其在河南尉氏县的生长发育规律和食用品质进行试验研究,结论如下:1.留兰香的株高、分支数、主茎叶对数是产量形成的主要因素,留兰香地上部分的折干率在生长后期保持在24.28—24.40%之间。株高变化呈现“S”型,分支数与主茎叶对数在6月5日达到最大值。株高、单株分支数和主茎叶对数随种植行距的增加而增加,设置50cm、40cm、30cm三个行距处理时,以50cm行距处理最大,达到69.14cm,12.37,14.89,并且50cm行距处理的折干率最高,茎、叶、全草出油率、精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量也最高,但鲜草产量最低。鲜草产量和产油量以40cm行距处理最大,达到19669.95 kg/hm~2,70772.15 ml/kg。留兰香鲜草产量顺序是40cm、30cm、50cm行距处理,留兰香全草产油量顺序是40cm、50cm、30cm行距处理,留兰香折干率大小顺序是50cm、40cm、30cm行距处理。留兰香试验以40cm的种植行距形成的效益最大。2.留兰香全草的出油率和精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量至6月下旬达到最大值,之后开始下降。留兰香全草的出油率以上午10:00含量较高,而后下降,至14:00后有所回升,表现为双峰现象。留兰香在30%花蕾开放时采收,其折干率、叶出油率、其产油量和全草出油率、香芹酮含量达到最高,分别为23.87%、23.64 ml/kg、70071.39 ml/ hm~2、14.68 ml/kg、50.79%。留兰香总黄酮含量在60%花蕾开放时最高达到55.68%,但在30%花蕾开放(55.66%)和60%花蕾开放(55.68%)时总黄酮含量差异水平不显著。3.直观分析氮磷钾肥料对产量影响的效应顺序为N大于P大于K ,方差分析可知氮、磷肥料因素分别达到极显著水平和显著水平,K肥料元素表现不显著。留兰香茎叶氮钾含量在生长前期较高,至6月15日氮钾含量基本稳定,磷含量则先升后降。留兰香茎叶中氮、磷元素含量叶大于茎中,钾含量茎中大于叶中。4.单施氮肥用量在0-180kg/hm~2范围内,留兰香的株高、分支数、叶对数、产量、产油量、精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量随着用量而增加,以N3处理最佳分别达到64.21cm、11.36、14.32、20596.69kg/hm~2、74481.42ml/hm~2、57.24%、50.98%。N4处理茎的出油率最高。单施磷肥用量在0-100 kg/hm~2处理范围内,留兰香的分支数、叶对数、产油量、叶和全草的出油率、精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量随着磷用量而增加, P2处理时达到最大值分别为11.77、12.56、72532.91ml/hm~2、24.28%、14.62%、57.22%、51.03%;株高以P3处理最大为64.45cm,鲜草产量以P4处理最高为20628.36 kg/hm~2。单施钾肥用量在0-180kg/hm~2处理范围内,留兰香的株高、分支数、叶对数、折干率、产量随着磷用量而增加,以K3处理的株高、分支数,主茎叶对数最大,分别为64.35cm、11.77、12.56;另外,以K3处理鲜草产量和产油量最高,分别为20608.69 kg/hm~2和74533.32 ml/hm~2。以K4处理的茎、叶出油率、精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量最大,分别为3.0%、24.48%、57.24%,50.34%。氮磷钾肥料配施正交设计试验的最佳组合是N2P2K3处理,N2P2K3处理的鲜草产量和产油量最高,分别为20524.19 kg/ hm~2、76358.03 ml/hm~2。留兰香全草的出油率和精油中总黄酮和香芹酮含量以N2P2K3处理最大分别为14.92ml/kg、58.08%、51.88%;另外N1P1K1、N1P2K2、N1P3K31三个低氮处理总黄酮和香芹酮含量低于对照的水平。5.喷施叶面肥能增强留兰香叶片活力,增加叶片叶绿素总体含量,减缓脱落,进而提高产量和出油率。喷施叶面肥处理以硼锰锌混合喷施提高对留兰香精油含量最明显,分别达69640.28 ml/ hm~2,比对照增加5.68%,其次是硼、磷钾、钼、锰、锌处理。对留兰香总黄酮含量的提升顺序为硼+锰+锌、硼、锌、锰、钼、磷钾,对留兰香香芹酮含量的提升顺序为硼+锰+锌、锌、硼、磷钾、钼、锰。6.留兰香地上部分含有较高水平的粗蛋白质,粗脂肪、粗纤维、碳水化合物、维生素C,在留兰香嫩叶中分别达到4.80%、0.58%、2.21%、8.04%、0.478mg/g;另外留兰香富含膳食纤维,具有较高的综合营养价值。

【Abstract】 this research chose Scotland spearmint (M.cardiace Gerade) as experiment materials,Specific study the Growth and development、Fertilizer、density、harvest time、food quality of spearmint,in Weishi County of Henan Province. Conclusions are as follows:1.plant height, branch number, the number leaves of main stem is the main factors of the yield formation of spearmint. Spearmint shoot growth process presents "S"-type dynamic curve, the number of branches and the number leaves of main stem respectively Maximizing in the June 5,Plant height, number of branches and the leaves number of main stem of Spearmint will increase With the increased planting spacing, And, the treatment of 50cm spacing is the largest,Reached 69.14cm, 12.37,14.89. It is largest that the Treatment of 40cm spacing that fresh Biomass and essential oil yield of Spearmint,Reached 19669.95 kg/hm~2, 70772.15 ml / kg, the treatment of 50cm spacing is highest that oil yield of stems and leaves and whole plant,and content Carvone and flavonoid s of essential oil. The order that the treatment of fresh Biomass is 40cm、30cm、50cm , The order that the treatment of Essential oil yield is 40cm、50cm、30cm,The order that the treatment of dry discount rate is 50cm、40cm、30cm . the treament of Overall efficiency in 40cm spacing is the greatest.2. The oil yielding rate and essential oil content of total flavonoids and carvone of Spearmint to reach maximum Late in June,Then begin to decline. The oil yielding rate is the largest In the morning at ten o’clo对照before and after, Then The oil yielding rate began to decline, Will start to rise Until two in the afternoon, Mapping showed Double peaks. Dry discount rate, leaf oil yield, whole plant oil yield and Essential oil yield, content of carvone when havest in the opened buds have 30% is highest, Respectively upto 23.87%, 23.64 ml / kg, 70071.39 ml / hm~2, 14.68 ml / kg, 50.79%. the content of flavonoids when havest in the opened buds have 60% Is the highest, However,the content of flavonoids when havest in the opened buds have 60% and30% were no significant differences.3. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on yield effect of order n is greater than p greater than k by Intuitive analysis, Analysis of variance obtained that N, P fertilizers were highly significant factors and significant levels, K fertilizer elements is not significant. the N and P content of Stems and leaves are high levels In the growth stage, Nitrogen and potassium will be stable To June 15,However, the P content will first then decreased.4. Single application of N fertilizer In 0-180kg/hm~2 range,Plant height, branch number, leaves on the number, Biomass, oil yield, content flavonoids and carvone of essential oil of Spearmint Will increase with the amount of N, And,N3 is the best treatment, Respectively upto64.21cm、11.36、14.32、20596.69kg/hm~2、74481.42ml/hm~2、57.24%、50.98%. the highest oil yielding rate of stem in the N4 treatment.Single application of P fertilizer In 0-120kg/hm~2 range,Number of branches, number of leaves of main stem, oil yield, The oil yielding rate of leaves and whole plant, content lflavonoids and carvone of essential oil Will increase with the amount of phosphorus fertilizer, P2 deal is the largest, Respectively upto11.77、12.56、72532.91ml/hm~2、24.28%、14.62%、57.22%、51.03%. Spearmint Maximum height is 64.45cmof the P3 treatment ,Fresh Biomass of Spearmint up to 20628.36 kg/hm~2 of P4 treatment。Single application of K fertilizer,in 0-180kg/hm~2 range,Plant height, branch number, number of leaves of main stem ,Dry discount rate and yield Will increase with the amount of phosphorus fertilizer, K3 treatment is the biggest deal with the highest fresh yield and oil production,Respectively were 20608.69 kg/hm~2, 74533.32 ml/hm~2. .K4 treatment is the biggest with the highest oil yield of Stem and leaves, essential oil content of total flavonoids and carvone ,Respectively were 3.0%, 24.48%, 57.24%, 50.34%.The best combination of Orthogonal design of NPK fertilizer is N2P2K3 treatment, the fresh yield and oil production of N2P2K3 treatment was the highest, Respectively were 20524.19 kg / hm~2, 76358.03 ml/hm~2 .The whole plant oil yield and content flavonoids and carvone of essential oil of N2P2K3 treatment is largest . Respectively Were 14.92ml/kg, 58.08%, 51.88%; In addition, the Content of flavonoids and carvone of Three treatments that N1P1K1, N1P2K2, N1P3K31 Less than contrast levels.5. Foliar spraying can enhance the vitality of spearmint leaves,and Increase in the overall content of chlorophyll,And slow the loss, Furthermore, to improve Biomass and Essential oil yield. it is most obvious when Mn+Zn+B hybrid spraying that the effect of Improve the essential oil content, Respectively 69640.28 ml / hm~2, increased 5.68% compared with contrast, In addition, the Treatment order that Increase the effect of yeild is B、NP、Mo、Mn、Zn.the Treatment order that Increase the content of Flavonoids is Mn+Zn+B、B、Zn、Mn、Mo、. NP,the Treatment order that Increase the content of Carvone is Mn+Zn+B、Zn、B、NP,Mo、Mn.6. Spearmint Has a high nutritional value thatcontains Extensive protein、Crude fat、crude fiber、carbohydrates and vitamin C, respectively up to 4.80%、0.58%、2.21%、8.04%、0.478mg/g, In the spearmint, Spearmint is rich in dietary fiber, with a high nutritional value.

【关键词】 留兰香密度产量氮磷钾总黄酮香芹酮
【Key words】 PearmintDensityYieldNPKFlavonoidsCarvone
  • 【分类号】S573.9
  • 【下载频次】52

