

The Designand Study on Building Integrated Photovoltaicte Generate Electricity System

【作者】 梁盼

【导师】 刘圣勇;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 能源、材料、信息和生物技术是现代文明的四大支柱,人类生存及发展的物质基础与人类从事各种经济活动的原动力是能源。随着煤炭、石油和天然气等化石燃料资源面临不可再生的消耗及生态环境保护的需要,新能源的开发促进世界能源结构的转变,新能源技术的日臻成熟将带来产业领域的革命性变化。太阳能作为一种新能源主要利用形式为光热转换、光电转换与光化转换技术。从可持续发展的角度来看,以太阳能光伏发电建筑一体化系统研究将会是光伏发电发展一个非常具有潜力的方向。本论文首先介绍了系统设计的原则、步骤与内容;然后对建筑物所在地区的地理、气候和太阳能辐射量条件作了介绍;随后对太阳能光伏发电建筑一体化系统作了设计:系统发电形式和组成、阵列设计、支架设计等;最后对该系统所需要的主要设备进行了选择:太阳能光电板、逆变器、控制器等。利用设计完成的太阳能光伏发电建筑一体化系统进行了性能测试,并对其应用效果做了分析,结果表明如下:(1)太阳能电池板表面温度与环境温度最大温差37.9℃,最小温差12.8℃,平均温差20.55℃;(2)每天最大发电量100kw.h,最小发电量22 kw.h,平均发电量56.53 kw.h;(3)光伏阵列效率最大值为17%,最小为4%,平均为11%;(4)逆变器转换效率最大值为95.49%,最小值为79.91,平均值为88.49%。

【Abstract】 Energy, materials, information and biotechnology is 4 pillar of modern civilization,The material foundation of human survival and development and the motive force of human engaged in various economic activity is energy.Along with the coal, oil and natural gas fossil fuel resources are unsustainable consumption and the need to protect the ecological environment, and development of new energy to promote world energy structure of the shift, new energy technologies mature gradually will bring revolutionary change of industrial areas. Solar energy as the one kind of new energy mainly use form for solar-thermal conversion, photoelectric conversion and actinic conversion technology.From the point of view of sustainable development,the solar photovoltaic power generation building integrated system research will be a very potential direction.This paper firstly introduces the system design principle, steps and content; Then introduced region geography, climate and solar radiation; Then designed the solar photovoltaic energy building integrated system: system power form and composition, array design, stents design etc; Finally the system major equipment were chosen: solar photovoltaic panels, inverter, controller, etc.Use of the designing system performance test, and its application in effect are analyzed, and the results show that is as follows:(1)The max temperature difference of solar panels surface and environmental is 37.9℃,the min is 12.8℃,the average is 20.55℃;(2)Daily the max capacity is 100kw.h,the min is 22 kw.h,the average is 56.53 kw.h;(3)The max photovoltaic array efficiency is 17%,the min is 4%,the average is 11%;(4)The max inverter conversion efficiency is 95.49%,the min is 79.91%,the average is 88.49%.

  • 【分类号】TM615
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】563

