

Study of Jiang Zemin’s Professional Ethics Thought and Professional Ethics Education in Medical Vocational College

【作者】 韩峥华

【导师】 都培炎;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪新阶段,随着我国职业教育事业的发展与医疗体制改革的深化,如何提高医药类高职院校毕业生的职业道德素养正日益成为一个令人关注的问题。目前学术界对本课题的相关研究,主要是集中在探讨江泽民德育思想的内涵、结构、特色、价值和意义,及高职院校职业道德教育工作的内容与方法。本文的主要特色是站在第一线教师的角度,通过对江泽民职业道德教育思想的梳理,分析了目前医药类高职院校学生职业道德教育的现状、存在问题及主要原因,提出了进一步做好医药类高职院校学生职业道德教育工作的思路和对策。论文主要分为四个部分:第一部分,着重论述了江泽民职业道德教育思想的理论来源与基本内容,主要归纳为爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的价值教育,全心全意为人民服务的宗旨教育,职业道德理想信念教育,职业纪律法制教育,职业道德教育的途径和方法,并阐述了江泽民职业道德思想对当前医药类高职院校职业道德教育的指导作用。第二部分,主要是分析了当前医药类高职院校职业道德教育的现状,从职业理想、爱岗敬业精社神、诚信教育、职业纪律教育、职业道德教育的职后延续性五个方面,运用实证的方法,通过调查、案例和数据分析,剖析了当前医药类高职院校学生在职业道德素养方面存在的主要问题。第三部分,着重从学校、教学、学生三个角度,分析了目前医药类高职院校职业道德教育存在问题的主要原因,其中包括:职业道德教育没有完全落到实处,职业道德教学形式单一、内容缺乏针对性,职业指导的目标定位与职业道德的要求互相脱节,学生中普遍存在重专业技术、轻人文道德素养等倾向。第四部分,针对当前医药类高职院校职业道德教育中存在的问题,结合自己在教学实践中的可行性做法,提出了如何进一步提高大学生职业道德教育有效性的对策。必须从思想上重视职业道德教育工作,深化职业道德教学的改革,创新职业道德教育的内容,积极探索职业道德教育的有效载体和途径,注重发挥先进典型的示范引导作用,加强职业道德教育师资队伍的建设,建设校园文化开展环境育人,运用信息网络技术进行职业道德教育,建立有效的学生职业道德评价机制。

【Abstract】 Into the new century, with the development of vocational education and medical system reform deepens China, how to improve the medical vocational college graduates’professional ethics is increasingly becoming a concern. Current academic research on this topic is mainly focus on discussing the connotation, structure, characteristics, value and meaning of Jiang Zemin’s professional ethics thought, as well as content and methods of professional ethics education in vocational college. The main feature of this thesis is standing teacher’s point of view, through sorting out Jiang Zemin’s professional ethics thought, analyze the current professional ethics education situation, problems and main causes in medical vocational college.put forward further ideas and measures to do a better job of professional ethics education in medical vocational college.Thesis is divided into four parts:The first part focuses on the source and basic content of Jiang Zemin’s professional ethics education thought, which are summarized as patriotism, collectivism, socialism value education, the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly education, ideals and beliefs education of professional ethics, professional discipline and legal system education, ways and methods of professional ethics education. Elaborates the guiding function of Jiang Zemin’s professional ethics thought to the current professional ethics education in medical vocational colleges.The second part is to analyze the current professional ethics education situation in medical vocational college, from five:the professional ideal, hard working spirit, honesty, professional discipline, after graduation professional ethics education continuity, use empirical approach, through surveys, case studies and data analysis, analyze the students’ current major issues of moral traits in medical vocational colleges.The third part, focuses on school, teaching and students three perspectives. Analyze the main causes of the current problems in medical vocational college’s professional ethics education. Including:professional ethics education is not fully carried out, professional ethics teaching form is too unitary, the contents is lack of specific, goal-oriented vocational guidance is out of touch with of professional ethics requirements. Students usually attach more importance to technical skills than human and moral qualities.The fourth part, for the current problems of professional ethics education in medical vocational colleges, combined with my practical feasibility in the practice of teaching, put forward measures of how to further improve the effectiveness of college professional ethics education. Pay Ideological attention to the work of professional ethics education. Deepen the reform of professional ethics teaching. Innovate the content of professional ethics education, and actively explore effective carrier and methods of professional ethics education. Pay attention to the demonstration and guiding function of advanced models. Strengthen professional ethics education teachers troop building. Build campus culture to carry out education by environment. Use information network technology to professional ethics education. Establish an effective mechanism for student evaluation of professional ethics.

  • 【分类号】G711
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】135

