

Research on Guangxi Normal College Students Employability Development Current and Improvement Situation

【作者】 伍钟玉

【导师】 张万朋;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生就业力是指大学生在学习能力的基础上培养起来的并嵌入个体身心的一种对雇主有吸引力的综合素质和潜能,是高校人才培养质量的重要体现。就业力不足是社会人才供给与需求之间最深层次的内在矛盾,也是大学生就业难问题症结所在。作为师资储备重要力量的师范生就业力的提高一直是师范院校关注的焦点和难题。本研究选取师范生就业力为研究对象,结合广西师范类高校的实际,对师范生就业力的发展现状进行了系统的考察和研究,实证地分析了影响师范生就业力的相关要素及其关系,为改进和提升广西师范生就业力提出对策与建议。本研究主要从四个方面来论述,第一章是绪论;第二章是对大学生就业力的内涵和构成要素进行深入分析,为进一步分析当前广西师范生就业力状况奠定理论基础;第三章是对广西师范生就业力的基本状况及存在问题进行实证分析,着重分析师范生就业力的相关变量及内在关系,并对当前广西师范生就业力发展存在的问题及原因进行梳理和剖析;第四章是对改进广西师范生就业力提出对策与建议,主要从政府、高校、用人单位及大学生个人等四个层面对提升师范生就业力提出相应对策与建议。本研究通过实证与理论分析相结合的方法,从管理学的角度对广西师范生就业力的现状及改进措施进行系统研究。调查发现:(1)广西师范生就业力整体低于非师范生;(2)广西师范生在个人适应能力及个人竞争能力上较非师范生处于明显劣势;(3)广西师范生弱势主要表现在专业能力不强,学习能力欠缺;(4)女性师范生就业力整体低于男性师范生。通过分析我们得出:(1)就业力受制于教育理念、培养模式、育人目标等,师范教育对就业力培养与非师范教育相比存在一定的欠缺;(2)师范生就业力与专业改造、教育教学及实习实践等环节的改革是一个内在互动关系,彼此互相促进;(3)师范生就业力的培养是一个系统工程,应从政府、学校、用人单位及大学生个人四个层面的相关要素进行整合,形成一个以人才培养为核心、四要素互动的就业力培养保障体系。本文研究特色是从实证与理论分析相结合,尝试系统分析了影响师范生就业力的诸多要素及关系,为科学评估和提升就业力提出了针对性对策。

【Abstract】 The employability of college students refers to the learning ability on the basis of training together and embedded individual and mind which is appealed by attractive comprehensive qualities and potential employers, It is an important manifestation of the quality of personnel training in Colleges and universities. The under-employment is the talent supply and demand between the deepest inner contradiction, also be the crux of the problem of employment of College students. As a teacher of reserve power normal students’ employability’s enhancement has been the focus of attention and the problem of normal colleges and universities.This study selects the normal students employability as the research object, combined with the actual Guangxi normal college and normal university, on normal students’ employability of the development status of the system make an on-the-spot investigation and study, the paper analyzes the impact of college students employability related factors and its relationship, as the improvement and promotion of Guangxi normal students employability and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.This study mainly from four aspects, the first chapter is the introduction; the second chapter is about the employability of college students of the connotation and elements of an in-depth analysis, for further analysis of the current situation of Guangxi normal students employability to lay the theoretical foundation; the third chapter is about the Guangxi normal students’ employability is the basic situation and existing problems of empirical analysis, focuses on the analysis of normal students’ employability of relevant variables and internal relations, and the current Guangxi normal students’ employability to develop the problem of existence and reason undertake combing and analysis; the fourth chapter of Guangxi normal students employability and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, mainly from the government, enterprises, colleges and employer and their four level to promote college students employment and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.This study is through theoretical and empirical analysis of the method of combining, A systematic study from the perspective of administration Guangxi normal student’s employability status and improvement measures. Survey found that:Firstly, Guangxi normal students’ employability is overall less than non-normal students; Secondly, Guangxi normal students adapt to the individual abilities and personal competition ability of non-normal students is in clear inferior position; Thirdly, The disadvantages of Guangxi normal students are represented in incompetence of studying specialty and learning ability; Lastly, the female normal graduates have overall less employability than male students.Through the analysis we conclude that:(1)Employability is subject to educational ideas, training model, education goals, and so on, normal education on employability training and non-normal education compared to the existence of certain shortcomings;(2)Normal students’ employability and professional transformation, education and teaching and practice of reform is an interaction relationship each other, promote each other;(3)Normal students’ employability training is a system engineering, government, school, the employer and individuals at four levels of factors related to the integration, the formation of a personnel training as the core, the four elements of interactive training ability of employment security system.This paper studies characteristics from theoretical and empirical analysis of the combination, try system analyzes the impact of college students employment ability of many elements and relations, in order to scientific assessment and to promote the employability and puts forward countermeasures.

  • 【分类号】G657.38
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】380

