

Analysis of Discourse Coherence of for Whom the Bell Tolls Based on Specificity

【作者】 赵晓霞

【导师】 陈建生;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【副题名】以For Whom the Bell Tolls为例

【摘要】 自20世纪60年代以来,语篇连贯的各项研究都有了极大发展,语篇连贯的理论和著作层出不穷,并且越来越多的语言学家开始致力于连贯研究。仔细地研究现有关于语篇连贯的理论,我们不难发现,几乎所有语篇连贯研究都是以传统的系统功能语言学为理论背景,他们都是从显性层面着手研究,或者是研究语篇的整体结构和语义体现,抑或是从衔接手段入手来研究连贯。总之,他们都是从显性衔接手段入手来研究语篇连贯,而鲜有对语篇内在意义或者是读者的心理隐性连贯的涉及。即使是从微观角度做过研究的张德禄,他研究的也是句子之间、语义成分之间以及命题之间的语义联系。除此之外,连贯理论多是被用来指导阅读教学、写作教学以及听力教学,利用连贯理论而进行单纯语料分析的文章还为数不多。与其为数不多的数量相比,对语篇进行连贯分析是语篇连贯理论的重要应用之一。这种研究现状所导致的问题在于:对于具有鲜明语言特色的语篇或者缺乏显性连接手段的诗歌而言,传统的系统功能语言学的研究理论和方法不一定能够恰当地发现其中的连贯并进行语篇连贯分析。认知语言学是20世纪80年代在美国和欧洲发起的新兴语言学科,处于语言研究前沿。认知语言学的理论被广泛的应用到其他学科,并得到了充分运用和发展。详略度理论是认知语言学中一个十分重要的理论。它指用不同详细程度的词或者句子描述同一个情形,以形成不同详细程度的语言连续体。它注重句子或者词汇的内在连续性。把详略度理论运用到语篇连贯研究恰好是从隐形层面来分析语篇连贯,可以弥补显性分析无法解决的问题。与此同时,以详略度理论为指导的隐性分析从最基本的语言单位(单词)入手,以语篇的内在意义为切入点,侧重于研究作者写作时的内在心理变化,以及作者的用词变化可能对读者造成的影响,这更加符合人类认知和心理规律。鉴于以上研究和发现,本文作者在研读大量的认知语言学和语篇连贯理论和著作的基础之上,着重留意了诸多具有鲜明语言特色的作品以及大量诗歌,得出了如下发现:连贯的语篇不一定具有显性衔接手段,隐性和内在连贯同样是实现语篇连贯的很好方法和途径。全文共分为七个部分:引言部分指出了本文的选题理由、理论基础、研究发现、研究方法以及研究目的和意义,提出了用详略度理论来进行语篇连贯分析的可行性和优势。第一章详细地回顾了语篇连贯在国内外的研究现状,及其在各个领域的应用,指出了其中存在的不足和有待解决的问题。第二章是对详略度理论在具体语料之中的运用分析。它首先介绍了国内外关于详略度理论的研究成果;其次是对本文所采用的语料的具体介绍,并简单的论述详略度在文中的体现以及本研究的可行性。第三章是本文的第一个重点章节。它详细地介绍了词汇的详略度不同在连贯中的体现,其中包括上下义词、同义词、反义词,运用语料中的典型例子进行了分析。第四章是本文的第二个重点章节。它详尽地介绍了语境的详略度不同在连贯中的体现。语境在文中主要分为言内语境和言外语境,详细的理论介绍和具体的例子分析都是本章节不可缺少的部分。第五章是本文的第三个重点章节。它论述了句法的详略度不同在连贯中的体现。其中,省略、重复、从句都是本文分析的重点。结论是对全文内容的总结和概括。作者不仅指出了本研究的可行之处,并且指出了未来的发展方向。因此,本文尝试以认知语言学为基础,从详略度理论出发,以美国著名作家海明威的力作《战地钟声》为语料进行语篇连贯分析,力图为语篇连贯研究提供一个崭新的途径和视角。

【Abstract】 From the 1960s, the researches on discourse as well as the theories and books have been developing rapidly. After carefully studying the present theories of discourse coherence, we can easily find out that nearly all the studies of discourse coherence depend on the traditional systematic and functional grammar and their researches begin with the external side. But they nearly neglect the internal coherence of discourse. Thus the theory of coherence is often used to instruct the teaching of reading,writing and listening. At the same time, the theory of coherence is seldom used to analyze the discourse coherence. The problem of current situation lies in that for a discourse without obvious external coherence, the current research can not analyze the coherence of it successfully and easily. But the discourse without obvious coherence can also be coherent.Cognitive linguistics sprang up in the 1980s. It lies in the advancing front of linguistics research and most of its theories are used to the other fields. Specificity is one of the theories of cognitive linguistics. It refers to describe the same situation from different levels of specificity which is the internal meaning of the situation.After reading lots of books and theories, I find out that the internal analysis has some obvious advantages for the context with famous writing style or the context without external coherence. The discourse without external coherence may also be coherence. In the thesis, by the basic words of discourse and internal meaning, the author emphasizes changes of the psychology and the word. The method is more suitable for the cognitive rule of human beings.There are seven parts in the thesis.Introduction mainly introduces the definition, standard and meaning of coherence, the purpose and function of the paper as well as the methodology of the research.Chapter One contains the current situation of discourse coherence both at home and abroad. Then the writer gives a review of the application of discourse coherence in several fields, such as reading, writing and translation.Chapter Two discusses the specificity and its application in coherence. Firstly, it introduces the current situation of specificity both at home and abroad. Secondly, it makes a general outline of the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls.In Chapter Three, the writer analyzes the specific usage of specificity in the novel from three sides. The first one is the relationship between hyponymy and specificity. The second one is the relationship between antonymy and specificity.The third one is the relationship between synonymy and specificity. Chapter Four is context of specificity. In this chapter, there are two main aspects which are called linguistic context and extra-linguistic context. There are also case studies of the sub-parts of contexts.Chapter Five is syntax of specificity. The coherence can be achieved by ellipsis, repetition and inversion. The case study is also the necessary part of the chapter.At the end, the writer gives the conclusion, which proves the usage and the truth of the research. Besides, the writer also figures out the future research of the specificity and discourse coherence.

【关键词】 详略度连贯语境《战地钟声》
【Key words】 specificitycoherencecontextFor Whom the Bell Tolls

