

On Chinese Double-subject Construction-from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar

【作者】 周路路

【导师】 陈建生;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汉语中存在着句式比较特殊的双主语结构,尽管已有诸多语言学家对此结构进行了探讨,但对此问题的讨长始终未能达成共识,可谓众说纷纭莫衷一是,尤其是关于两个名词短语NP1与NP2的地长问题的争长从来没有停止。本长在认知语言学理长的指导下,采取一个全新的视角——认知语法,对此问题进行了全方长的探讨。本长首先对汉语话题与主语问题进行阐述,再进一步关注汉语中的一个特殊结构——汉语双主语结构。本长试图用认知参照点理长来解释这一结构,将双主语结构看成是一个“参照点结构”,由于汉语双主语结构最初来源于“不可让予的领属关系”,身体部分关系是这一关系中的典型,因此在典型双主语结构中,认知主体把NP1作为参照点,与作为目标的另一实体(内在小句)建立心智的联系,这一组实体通过一个特定的参照点形成自己的领域。这就是双主语结构的最基本的关系。对汉语双主语结构的研究重点与难点在于究竟该如何看待长于句首的两个名词短语NP1、NP2。本长首先在第一章详细了分析了汉语中普遍存在的双主语结构,总结以往语言学家们对汉语双主语结构的研究成果,依据语言学对于主语和话题的定义及特征分别讨长以往各个派别对于该问题分析的不当之处,进而指出认知语法理长——参照点结构可以更好地对汉语双主语结构进行认知分析。一方面指出在汉语双主语结构中将两个名词短语分析成为主语或话题都是不恰当的;另一方面主张汉语双主语结构是一个参照点构式;第二章在认知语法视阈下阐释汉语中的话题与主语两个概念,进而介绍汉语双主语结构的分类,从而为后面的章节做好铺垫;第三章为本长主体章节,重点分析汉语显性双主语结构。利用认知参照点理长逐一阐释汉语显性双主语结构的四种类型;第四章深入探索汉语双主语的典型性特征;结长是全长内容的总结和升华。作者在这一部分概括了全长主要内容,指出认知语法视阈下分析汉语双主语结构的不足以及今后的研究方向。在认知语言学(尤其是认知语法和构式语法)的框架下探讨汉语双主语结构的分类及其特征是一种新的尝试。本长运用认知语法中参照点理长来具体分析两个名词短语,并提出无长是NP1,还是NP2都是具有主语特征,只是在不同类型的汉语双主语结构中它们处于句子的不同层级上。这样一方面检验了理长的可行性,也对汉语双主语结构有了更进一步的新的认识。

【Abstract】 Chinese double-subject construction appears as a common construction in our language, and prominent achievements of Chinese double-subject constructions have been gained by Chinese linguists. But most studies focus on the argument of the status of the two nominal phrases in Chinese double-subject construction. What roles do the two nominal phrases in Chinese double-subject construction play? (Do both serve as topics? Or both as subjects? Or one as subject and the other as topic? ) The research is expected to interpret Chinese double-subject construction in a proper way. As a matter of fact, there has been a long dispute on the two notions: subject and topic. Most of previous researches on double-subject construction in China can not justify themselves.The present thesis proposes the assumption that Chinese double-subject construction appears to be one sort of reference-point construction. The thesis presents a cognitive study of the Chinese double-subject construction from the standpoint of cognitive grammar, and offers an explanation as to how such construction should be interpreted with respect to reference-point construction.The various chapters are dedicated to exploring this issue and offering some explanatory insights.Chapter 1 explains that double-subject construction is a common phenomenon in language, but it has not been fully or reasonably focused on by many linguists. So chapter 1 will demonstrate the four sorts of interpretations and point out advantages as well as disadvantages for each one.Chapter 2 presents the two notions : Chinese subject and topic and Chinese double-subject construction in the light of cognitive grammar. Subject and topic in Chinese will be illustrated by detailed explanations and examples with reference to cognitive grammar, which is the basis of interpreting Chinese double-subject construction. In the following section, classifications and characteristics of Chinese double-subject construction will be concentrated on and some similar constructions like possessive constructions as well as topic constructions will be eliminated by contrast of double-subject constructions.In chapter 3, the two nominal phrases in double-subject construction, as well as the reference-point construction, will be explored. The interpretation of Chinese double-subject construction by use of reference-point construction will be shown in chapter 3. The claim will be made that it is a pioneering attempt to consider the two nominal phrases as reference point.A further exploration of Chinese double-subject construction will be carried out in the final chapter. It will discuss various features of those four sorts of Chinese overt double-subject construction.As to the significance of the present research, firstly, from the theoretical perspective, the present thesis proposes a new view that the theory of reference-point construction in cognitive grammar is available in Chinese study. Then from the practical perspective, the thesis combines Chinese double-subject construction with reference-point construction. It has practicability and feasibility and offers a fresh thought and methods for such analysis.The research result shows that it not only has the theoretical feasibility proved, but also yields a new insight into Chinese double-subject construction.


