

Mineralization Alteration Information Extraction in Remote Sensing Images and Mineralization Forecast in Wang Xiang Mufu Mountain

【作者】 林凯捷

【导师】 郭云开; 彭悦;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国内多数露头或浅部的矿种已经被开挖甚至开采贻尽,寻找新的矿产源地难度日益加大,尤其是在地理交通不便、环境条件恶劣的地区更为困难。利用多光谱遥感影像进行矿化蚀变信息提取,近年来一直都是遥感地质研究的热点和难点,虽然在定性与定量方面也取得了一定的成绩,但对于一些地质资料不完整的工作区,却没有相应的针对方法。如何直接利用多光谱遥感数据来提取遥感蚀变信息,圈定出找矿靶区,达到成矿预测的目的,这是一个亟待研究解决的课题。本论文以湖南省望湘—幕阜山地区为研究区,以GIS为平台,利用遥感数据处理技术,对ETM+和ASTER等多光谱遥感数据几何校正、去干扰信息(去噪)、彩色合成和反差增强等预处理工作;研究各类不同蚀变矿物的光谱特征,以及它们在对应ETM+和ASTER图像各波段上的光谱特征及其差异性,据此确立基于光谱特征的矿化蚀变遥感信息分类提取和增强提取的波段组合方案。对ETM+和ASTER等多光谱遥感影像数据分别采用主成分分析、比值处理等数据分析和处理方法,进行遥感矿化蚀变信息提取。依据所提取的各遥感找矿信息以及己有地物化探等资料数据,并基于GIS技术基础进行系统性、综合性的分析处理,最终作出成矿预测;在研究区内共圈定了找矿靶区4处。经过野外检查和靶区验证,成矿预测符合度较好。本研究旨在全面评价湘东北地区多金属找矿远景,进而在湖南省乃至全国其它热液蚀变型矿区推广应用做出贡献。

【Abstract】 At present, the majority of outcrops or shallow excavation or mining of minerals has been exhausted,it is more difficult to find new sources of mineral, especially in geographic inaccessible areas of poor environmental conditions.In recent years,using multi-spectral remote sensing images alteration of information extraction, remote sensing geological research become more popular and hard , although the qualitative and quantitative analysis has also made some achievements, but for some area of which the geological data is not completed,dose not had the corresponding method.How to direct use of multi-spectral remote sensing data to extract the alteration information, delineated prospecting target to achieve the purpose of forming projections, That is an urgent issue need to be solved.In this thesis, the scene of Hunan Wang Xiang-Mufu Mountain district as the study area, the GIS platform,using remote sensing data processing technology, the ETM+ and ASTER multi-spectral remote sensing data such as geometric correction to the interference information(denoising),and contrast color compositeenhancement preprocessing; of various spectral characteristics of different alteration minerals,and corresponding ETM+ and ASTER images of the band spectral characteristics and differences,thus establishing the alteration based on spectral classification of remote sensing informationextraction and enhancement of the extracted band package.On the ETM+ and ASTER multi-spectral remote sensing data such as principal component analysis, respectively, the ratio of processing data analysis and processing methods, information extraction in remote sensing alteration.Extracted according to the remote exploration geophysical and geochemical information, and other information have been there to data and GIS-based technology foundation for systematic,comprehensive analysis and processing, and ultimately to mineralization projections; in the study area were delineated ore target District four.After a field inspection and target validation, degree of mineralization consistent with good prediction. This research aims to a comprehensive evaluation of northeastern Hunan Province polymetallic prospecting, and then the other in Hunan province and the country promote the use of hydrothermal alteration type of mine.


