

Literary Research on Bronze Vessel Inscriptions of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties

【作者】 李亚楠

【导师】 夏先培;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 两周铜器铭文,到目前为止已集数千件,铭辞最长的近五百字,内容广泛,涉及两周社会政治生活的各个方面,是我国历史文化的宝贵遗产。这些遗产的文化价值,已更多的学者所认同,因此,有关铜器铭文的研究也受到了越来越多重视,但是文学范畴的铭文研究依然薄弱。具体而言,论文分为四个部分:第一部分,首先根据铜器铭文中描述的主要内容对铭文划分为祭祀典礼类、册命赏赐类、颂扬先祖类、征伐记功类和约记律令类五大类别。然后分析铭文的文学价值:叙事性增强;不断追求语言美;初具文章的社会功能;真实地体现了周代社会文化生活。第二部分,是对两周铜器铭文的叙事特色进行分析。铜器铭文的叙事较之甲骨卜辞有了明显的变化,有些铭文已经可以看做为规范的记叙文。首先,铭文的叙事要素逐渐完整,叙事脉络逐渐清晰;其次,文学性叙事开始萌芽;最后,铭文的叙事主次有序,详略得当。第三部分,是对两周铜器铭文的语言特色进行分析,大致总结为韵散兼行、句法多样;简洁流畅、准确精当;记言摹态、生动形象,三大特点。第四部分,是对两周铜器铭文中体现的周代社会文化进行分析。主要从两个方面来写,一是从祭祀铭文中来看周代祖先崇拜的目的,二是从赏赐铭文看周王朝册命赏赐制度的特征。

【Abstract】 As a precious legacy of history and culture, bronze vessel inscriptions of East -Zhou and West- Zhou Dynasties so far has collected thousands of pieces, in which the longest bronze vessel inscription almost has five hundred words and the content of which are wide-ranging, involving all aspects of social and political life of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties. The value of these bronze vessel inscriptions are gaining more and more recognitions. Therefore, the researches on bronze vessel inscriptions are attracting more and more attention, but literary research on bronze vessel inscriptions is weak. Specifically, this thesis includes four parts:In light of content, in the first part, the bronze vessel inscriptions are divided into five kinds involving Sacrificial ceremony, appointment and award, Extolling patriarch, recording merits of warriors and law and rules. The followings are the research on the literary value of bronze vessel inscriptions: the increase of narrativity, constantly pursuing the beauty of language, containing some social function,truly revealing the social and cultural life of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties.The second part is about the comparison of narrative characteristics of bronze vessel inscriptions of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties. Compared with inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, some bronze vessel inscriptions can be seen as standard narratives. First, the narrative elements of bronze vessel inscriptions are getting intact and the narrative clue is getting clear; second, the literary narration is starting to sprout; lastly, the narration of bronze vessel inscriptions has primary and second emphasis, and appropriate details.The third part is the comparison of language characteristics of bronze vessel inscriptions of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties. They are summarized as three characteristics: combining blank verse and rhythm and syntactic variety; simplicity, smooth and accuracy; vivid narration.The fourth part is involved with the study on the social culture showed in the bronze vessel inscriptions of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties. The studies on the social culture are from two perspectives: first, study the purpose of ancestor worship from sacrifice bronze vessel inscriptions of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties, second, study the characteristics of award system from the award bronze vessel inscription of East-Zhou and West-Zhou Dynasties.


