

The Study on Optimization of Marine Industial Structure of Guangdong Province

【作者】 张振举

【导师】 张莉;

【作者基本信息】 广东海洋大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪被称为“海洋世纪”。由于世界人口急剧增长、陆地资源短缺、陆地开发空间日益缩小,于是人类开始更多地走向海洋、开发和利用海洋,各个沿海国家纷纷把发展海洋经济上升为国家发展战略。在21世纪,为了确保我国国民经济持续、快速、健康协调的发展,我国政府把战略眼光转向了海洋。在2003年,国务院颁布我国第一个指导全国海洋经济发展的纲领性文件——《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》,提出要把我国建成海洋经济强国的战略目标。在《规划纲要》的指引下,沿海各省市积极制定和实施海洋开发战略,大力发展海洋经济。广东省早在2007年通过的《广东省海洋经济发展“十一五”规划》中就明确提出建设海洋经济强省,优化海洋产业结构的发展目标,为海洋经济的迅猛发展指明了目标和方向。在2009年,广东省海洋生产总值达到6800亿元,占到全国海洋经济总量的1/5,连续15年居全国之首,成为名副其实的海洋经济第一大省。但是广东省海洋经济的发展面临着海洋产业结构仍亟待进一步完善和优化、海洋产业科技实力偏低、海洋资源环境不断恶化等诸多问题。与此同时,外部面临着国内其他沿海省市竞争的压力。作为海洋经济第一大省,考虑如何在激烈的竞争中解决自身的发展困境并保持自身的海洋经济优势,完成从海洋经济大省向海洋经济强省的转变,成为当务之急。基于这样的背景之下,本研究试图从广度和深度、理论和实际相结合的基础上,坚持定性与定量分析相结合的原则,探讨和研究广东省如何通过优化调整海洋产业结构,实现由海洋经济大省向海洋经济强省的战略性转变。本研究共分为五大部分:第一部分,对海洋经济和海洋产业的相关概念进行界定,并对相关的产业理论和国内外理论界在海洋产业方面所做的研究进行梳理,奠定全文的理论基础;第二部分,对广东省海洋产业(发展现状、存在的问题)进行一般分析;第三部分,进行实证分析,对广东省海洋产业结构的发展水平、变化程度及方向进行客观的分析和评价;第四部分,在明确了广东省海洋产业结构优化调整的必要性、可行性(SWOT)、指导思想、原则及发展目标的基础上,提出广东省进行海洋产业结构优化的阶段和步骤;第五,提出了促进广东省海洋产业结构优化调整的实施对策,以期为广东省海洋产业的优化升级提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 21st century called the " Marine Century ". Due to the rapid growth of world population ,shortage of land resources and development space, so People began to toward the sea, development and utilization of marine, and every coastal country development strategy of development of marine economic growth for the country.In the new century,in order to ensure china’s sustained,rapid,healthy and coordinated development,The Chinese Government turn the strategic vision to the ocean,in 2003,The State Council publiced China’s first programmatic document guiding the national marine economic development -<National marine economic development program>,proposal to build our country into strategic goal of marine economic power.Under the guidance of this program,coastal provinces and cities formulateand implement the strategy of ocean development vigorously.As early as 2007,Guangdong Province promulgated the 11th five-year marine economic development programme,clearly proposed to construction of a strong marine economically province,and optimization of marine industrial structure development goals,rapid pointed out the objectives and direction of development of the marine economy.In 2009, Guangdong’s marine output value reached 680 billion yuan,accounting for 1/5 of the country’s total marine economy,over the past 15 years has been keep first consecutivly in china, and become worthy of the first Marine Economy provinces. However, marine economic develop-ment in Guangdong also faces the sea still need to be further improved and optimization of the industrial structure, marine industry in low strength in science and technology, marine resources and environment has been deteriorating and so on.Meanwhile, external facing the pressure of competition in other coastal provinces and cities. as the first marine economy provinces, consider how to resolve their own problem and keep their advantagesin, and from big marine economic province to the strong marine economically province in the intense competition is become an urgent task.Under this background,this paper tries from breadth and depth, on the basis of combining theory with practice,and also based on the principle of integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis,to discussion and study on how to optimize the adjustment of marine industrial structure, enforce Guangdong province complete the strategic changes. This study is divided into five parts: first, definition the concepts of marine economy and marine industry,at the same time analytical study the related industry theory ,to laid a solid theory foundation for the article;second,general analysis marine industries of Guangdong Province, including conditions for the development, current situation, existing problems; third, empirical analysis, objectively analysis the development level,and the change degree and direction of marine industrial structure in Guangdong Province;fourth, in the defined the necessity、practicability(swot)、guiding ideology、principles and development targets of the Guangdong’s marine industry structure optimization adjustment, Proposed phase and steps of optimization of Guangdong Provincial marine industrial structure;fifth,propose corresponding countermeasures,wish to provide a theoretical basis for optimization and upgrading of the marine industries for Guangdong Province.


