

Ponder on Classical Garden Restoration of Changshu-Taicang Region and its Value Oriention

【作者】 刘玉石

【导师】 张纵;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 风景园林, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 古代宅园是体现我国城市地域特色与历史文化不可或缺的部分,也是构筑城市景观意象与个性化文化特征的重要因素,它在现代城市风貌与传统文脉的相谐共存中起到很大的作用。那种彰显古代士大夫充满诗意的文心画意的空间结构的组构上,有着宅园合一、小中寓大、庭院重深、开合分明、景序环迂、书香雅逸的特点。当代城市风貌的建设不可避免地受到多种因素的影响,传统的地域文化特质受到现代化、商业化的冲击,特别是在对公众开放导致旧园空间形式与功能的异化,古园风貌的修复或拟仿性的建设该引向何处去这一问题,放在我们面前,应当如何面对?以何种价值观来面对古园的复原,认真考虑这个极易产生误区与歧义的问题,迫在眉睫,本文正是基于此而进行尝试性地探讨。对古典园林空间中的景观元素采用修复性的复原,一方面本着“整旧如旧”原则,强化其原貌的景观特征,使其力求达到“本真”。另一方面,基于恢复的同时,还应考虑如何引导性地融入现代的休闲娱乐机制与设施,如何从“隔”到“融”,正是本文探讨的主旨所在。鉴于此,本文以明清时期具有典型江南特征的常熟与太仓两地园林为分析对象,撷取常熟燕园、虚廓园与水吾园,太仓的南园、弇山园等为个案进行旧景复原的探讨,力求从两地修复的园林间寻找到彼此契和的焦点,为今后古园复原提供一定的参考。通过对两地古园的典型实例的详细解读,从植物、建筑、山石水体和空间格局等角度分析了古园原貌与复原后的景观意象变换和功能转化,阐述了两地园林复原的偏向。笔者认为“复原、保护”并不是要采取固守的态度,将园内景观定格在原初风貌的恢复上,而由此生造出许多似是而非的“古董景观”,这是易让人走入误区的伪命题。重建古园最重要的是体现在“意象”上的拟仿,根据大量丈献资料,参照该地区其它特定历史景观的风貌,结合当时特定的社会文化背景,尽量寻找相近的造景材料,以传统技术和工艺手段进行仿建,尽可能地复原其原有的功能特质和造景要素。由于原有的古园设施及功能不足以满足现代人的休闲娱乐需求,适当的引入新景观成为必然。但新景观元素的介入必然要与旧园风貌产生矛盾,因此,如何利用新旧景观的对比、调和乃至转化来达到彼此间的协调与融契,共同构成该园及其所处环境景观独特的历史特色,有待今后更深入的研究。

【Abstract】 Ancient Residence Garden is not only an indispensable part of the city’s geographical features, history and culture, but also an important factor in building a personalized urban landscape image and cultural identity, which plays a big role in the harmonious co-existence between the traditional and the modern urban style. The fabric of ancient scholar’s poetic and painting-imaged spatial structure have such characteristics as residence and garden together, great meaning in a small image, deep courtyards, rich opening and closing space, tortuous tour order and scholarly and leisurely style.The construction of the contemporary urban landscape is inevitably affected by many factors, as the regional culture impacted by modernization and commercialization. How should we deal with the problem especially for the alienation between formation and function space in the history garden caused by opening to the public and repaired or mimicked construction for ancient garden style? What’s the value faced to the ancient garden of recovery? It’s seriously and imminent to consider this issue which is complex. Tentative discussion of this article is based on this.The landscape elements in the classical garden space should be protected by the way of rehabilitation and repair. On the one hand, the principle of "recover as the original" should be followed to strengthen its original landscape features and make it seem "real". On the other hand, based on the recovery, we should also consider how to integrate the mechanism of modern recreational facilities into the garden, and make them "melt" instead of "separated", which is the subject of this paper. In this article, the garden with the typical characteristics of southern garden in Ming and Qing dynasty in Changshu and Taicang are selected as the analysis objects. We take Yan garden, Xukuo garden, Shuiwu garden in Changshu, and Nan garden, Yanshan garden in Taicang as the cases to discuss the restoration of ancient landscape, to find the focus that makes the prosthetic garden in the two places blending appropriately with each other, thus provide certain reference for further research of ancient garden recovery.By detailed interpretation on the cases, this article finally described the restoration tendency of the two kind of garden, analyzed the landscape image and functional transformation for the original and restored ancient garden from the aspect on plants, architecture, rocks, water and the spatial pattern. The author holds the opinion that tenacious attitude shouldn’t be insisted on "Rehabilitation" and "Protection", which created many unreasonably "antique landscape", and it’s easily misunderstood. Simulation on the "image" is paramount for ancient garden restoration,according to various literature, following the other specific historical landscape of the region, with specific social and cultural background, using similar landscaping material, constructing by traditional technique and processes, to recover original features and landscaping elements as much as possible. Since the old facilities and functions of the ancient garden is insufficient to satisfy the modern life, to import new landscape elements appropriately is necessity. However, a contradiction between the new landscape elements and ancient garden style is inevitably. So how to make use of the difference above to constitute historic landscape features for the garden and its environment, needed to be study in the future.


