

Studies on Postharvest Physiology and Storage Technology of Honey Peach Fruits

【作者】 周慧娟

【导师】 张绍铃; 乔勇进;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 果树学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以上海市水蜜桃主栽品种——“大团蜜露”和“湖景蜜露”为试材,研究其采后生理特性及贮藏保鲜技术。通过对其适宜采收成熟度、贮藏温度的筛选,及不同保鲜技术对贮藏效果影响的研究,明确了不同贮藏条件对水蜜桃采后生理生化变化及贮藏效果的影响,确定了其适宜的采收成熟度、贮藏温度。主要研究结果如下:(1)与七成熟和九成熟“大团蜜露”和“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃相比,八成熟果实采后室温贮藏期间,呼吸强度较低;至第8d,“大团蜜露”水蜜桃TSS、Vc含量分别维持在16%-16.5%和7-7.5 mg/100 g,“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃分别维持在16.5%-17%和7.9-8.5 mg/100 g; SOD、POD、CAT等保护酶活性较高,MDA含量低,生理活性强。本研究表明:八成熟可作为“大团蜜露”和“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃室温贮藏的采收成熟度。(2)与0℃和4℃贮藏相比,2℃为“大团蜜露”水蜜桃的最适贮藏温度,显著抑制了其可滴定酸、TSS、Vc含量的下降,至第30 d,“大团蜜露”可滴定酸含量维持在0.128%-0.13%,果实失重率仅为2.8%;显著降低了果实的呼吸强度,维持了果肉原有色泽,并抑制了PG和CX酶活性;冷藏21d进行货架研究,货架期品质佳,冷害发生较轻;0℃为“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃最适贮藏温度,至第30 d,失重率为3.91%,贮藏21d进行货架研究,货架品质佳,冷害发生轻。说明,不同品种水蜜桃对低温的冷敏性有较大差异。(3)程序升温可使七、八成熟“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃正常软化,MDA含量低;第30d,总糖和Vc含量分别是0℃下贮藏的七、八成熟果实的1.09和1.11倍、1.33和2.09倍;整个贮藏期间,程序升温条件下,八成熟果实贮藏效果最佳。(4)低温(2-3℃)减压(1450-1550 Pa)贮藏显著降低了“大团蜜露”水蜜桃呼吸强度,并延缓了呼吸高峰的出现;较好地保持了果肉原有色泽,并能正常软化;低温减压贮藏显著降低了果实MDA含量,抑制了果实超氧阴离子产生速率和过氧化氢的含量,较好地保持了膜完整性。(5)500 nl/L的1-MCP处理可使果实正常软化,显著抑制贮藏期间果实可滴定酸、TSS、Vc和蛋白含量的下降,降低贮藏期间MDA的含量,较好地保持膜系统的完整性,不同浓度1-MCP处理对Vc含量的影响不显著。(6)46℃热空气处理30 min显著抑制了可溶性蛋白合成代谢的进程,使热稳定蛋白含量增加。与对照相比,冷藏及货架期期间,热空气处理可使果实保持较高TSS和还原糖含量,并有效抑制可滴定酸含量的降低,较好地保持果实的原有风味。

【Abstract】 In order to reseach postharvest physiology and storage technology of "Datuanmilu" and "Hujingmilu" honey peach which were regarded as the main breed of Shanghai, the suitable harvrst maturity and storing-temperature were screened, and several storage technology were researched too. In the paper, we made clear that the effectiveness of some storage technology were remarkably, and determinated optimum picking-maturity and storing-temperature.The main results are as follows:(1) At room-temperature (25℃), the respiration rate of eight tenth maturity fruit was lower; At the eight day, the TSS and Vc content of eight tenth maturity "Datuanmilu" honey peach could be kept in 16%-16.5% and 7-7.5 mg/100 g, which of "Hujingmili" honey peach could be kept in 16.5%-17% and 7.9-8.5 mg/100 g; it had higher SOD, POD, CAT activity and lower MDA content, whose physiology was very strong.(2) 2℃was the optimum cold-storage temperature of "Datuanmilu" honey peach, storing at 2℃could restrain the descend of titratable acidity, TSS and Vc content, to the thirtieth day, the titratable acidity could be kept in 0.128%-0.13%, and the weight loss was only 2.8%; reduced the respiration intensity remarkably, maintained the pulp fresh and lovely luster, restrained the activity of PG and CX; fruits were taken out and put them at room-temperature(25℃) for three days after storing twenty days, the shelf-quality was better, the happening of cold injury was lighter; 0℃was the optimum cold-storage temperature of "Hujingmiu" honey peach, to the thirtieth day, the weightlessness was only 3.91%, to the 21th day, we showed that the result was in accord with "Datuanmilu". In a word, the cold-sensibility to low-temperature of different variety honey peach was quite different.(3) Storing at temperature-programming could make Seven tenth and eight tenth maturity of "Hujingmilu" honey peach fruit soften naturally, slow down the happening of cold injury, restrained the accumulate of MDA; to the thirtieth day, the total sugar and Vc content of seven tenth and eight tenth maturity stored at temperature-programming was the 1.09 and 1.11 times,1.33 and 2.09 times of which stored at 0℃. In a word, the effectiveness of 8 tenth maturity fruit was best stored at temperature-programming.(4) Storing at low-temperature and Hypobaric could reduce the respiration sensity and defer the appearance of respiration peak of "Datuanmilu" honey peach; keep pulp better fresh and and lovely luster, and make it soften naturally; reduce MDA content remarkably, restrain O~2- production rate and H2O2 content, keep the integrity of epicyte better.(5) 500nl/L 1-MCP gas strength could make fruit after-mature naturally, restrain the including of TA, TSS, Vc and protein content remarkably, reduce MDA content during storage period, keep the integrity of epicyte better, the effectiveness of different gas strength treatment to Vc content is indistinctively.(6) 46℃hot-treatment for 30 min could restrain synthesis process of soluble protein remarkably, make the hot-stability protein content increased. Compared with CK, during cold storage and shelf, hot-air treatment could make fruit keep higher TSS and reducing sugar content, restrain the reducing of titratable acidity effectively, keep the unique flavors better.


