

The Termite and Lace Bug Control of Camphor

【作者】 邢乐

【导师】 杨志民;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为探讨古树名木病虫害防治技术与方法及影响其防治效果的因子,本试验选用古樟树作为主要试验材料,分别于不同时期,采用不同的方法与技术,分期对其主要虫害进行调查及防治研究。试验分为两个部分:第一,试验选用宁乡县古香樟作为试验材料,对其主要虫害—白蚁进行调查并采用不同方法技术进行防治研究;第二,采用自流式树干注射技术,选用不同注孔高度、注孔深度和注孔数量的注射因子,探讨树干注射对杀虫剂在樟树不同方位的含量的影响;并采用注干法注射不同浓度吡虫啉防治香樟樟脊网蝽,以探讨采用该方法防治古香樟樟脊网蝽的适当条件。具体研究结果如下:1.从2009年开始对白蚁危害进行为期15个月的调查发现:(1)武装部院内古樟树受到不同程度的白蚁危害,受害率为100%,其中,危害等级为+,受害率为10%;危害等级为++,占70%;危害程度为+++,受害率为13.3%;危害程度为++++,受害严重,濒临死亡的樟树为2株,占6.7%。(2)危害白蚁的种类有两种,分别为黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁,其危害症状及危害特点不尽相同,黑翅土白蚁一般先危害树干表皮和木栓层,后期再逐步向木质部深入;而黄翅大白蚁一般首先危害树木的根系,接着在树身上筑颗粒粗糙的泥被危害树干表皮和木栓层后期再逐步向木质部深入,一般黄翅大白蚁蛀蚀比黑翅土白蚁更深。本实验还对白蚁进行了综合防治,试验方法分别采用:涂干包膜法+环沟施药法、涂干包膜法、涂干法+环沟施药法、涂干法。于2009年7-8月份,2010年6-10月份对其防治效果进行观察并记录。试验结果发现,药效期长短顺序为:涂干包膜法+环沟施药法>涂干包膜法>涂干法+环沟施药法>涂干法。2.研究树干注射法中注药孔深度、注孔高度及注孔数量三因素的不同组合对农药在樟树体内传导量的影响,结果表明:(1)三因素对不同方位吡虫啉传导速度影响不同。(2)三因素对树冠内不同方位吡虫啉浓度峰值大小的影响不同。三个因素对树冠6米南侧的吡虫啉含量影响大小顺序是:深度>高度>个数;对树冠2米南侧的吡虫啉含量的影响大小顺序是:深度>个数>高度;对树冠6米北侧吡虫啉含量的影响大小顺序为:个数>深度>高度;对树冠2米北侧含量的影响顺序为:高度>个数>深度。(3)通过采用综合平衡的分析方法得到,高度(150 cm)深度(4 cm)个数(2个)是对每个方位的指标都尽可能好的一个共同的处理方案。通过研究树干注射不同浓度吡虫啉后对樟树网蝽的控制,结果表明,3种浓度的药剂对樟脊网蝽均有一定的控制作用,各药剂浓度在药后1-5天呈现出虫口减退率及防效随时间上升的趋势,直到药后19d时,虫口减退率和防效略有下降。防效强弱与施药浓度及药后时间长短有关,在0.006g/ml药剂浓度下,虫口减退率与防效最佳,持有较高水平。

【Abstract】 To explore the methods of pest control and the affecting factors of prevention of the ancient and famous trees, the test used old camphor tree as the primary material, and investigate the control of pests at different times with the different methods and techniques. Test is divided into three parts, first, the experiment using the ancient camphor in Ningxiang County as test material, investigate and research the main pest which is termites and controlling technology in different methods. The second, an orthogonally designed experiment of three factors (depth, height, number), each at two levels, was adopted in order to research the effects of on pesticide conduction in Camphor with trunk injection. And gravity-type trunk injection was used in determining Imidacloprid efficacy on lace bug of camphor in different injection concentrations.The first test results showed that:the investigation on termite damage for 15 months from 2009 showed that:(1) In Ningxiang armed Forces yard, all the ancient camphor trees were damaged by termite in different degrees. The harmful levels which were+,++,+++, ++++ were 10%,70%,13.3%,6.7%, respectively. (2) There are two types of termite which were Odontotermes Macrotermes termites and Macrotermes barneyi Light, respectively whose damage symptoms were different. In this test, some comprehensive prevention and control method also conducted, the results showed that the order of efficacy:smeared and coated on the trunk then spraying in Ring ditch around the tree, Smeared and coated on the trunk only, smeared on the tree then spraying in Ring ditch around the tree, and smeared on the tree only.The second test results showed that 1.1) the effects of the three factors on the Imidacloprid absorption rate and Imidacloprid concentration at different positions was different. The order of importance of the three factors on Imidacloprid concentrate on the south side of the upper crown was:depth (B), height (A), number(C). On the south side of the lower crown, the order was depth, number, and height. On the north side of the upper crown, the order was number, depth, height. On the north side of the lower crown, the order was height, number and depth.2) A best possible program for different position indicators in an integrated balance method was found that was height (150 cm) depth (4 cm) and number (2).2.different concentrations of Imidacloprid were injected in the camphor trunk for controlling lace bug, whose results showed that the 3 kinds of concentrations of pesticides on camphor bug controlling have certain spinal action. Decrease rate of insect and insect control effect in different concentrations increased after 1-5 days until after the 19 days,which decrease decreased slightly. Controlling effect is related to the concentration and length of time after the drug. In the 0.006g/ml agents, controlling effect was best.

【关键词】 古樟树白蚁树干注射樟脊网蝽
【Key words】 Acient CamphorTermitesTrunk injectionLace bug

