

Research on Pears Culture and Development of Research

【作者】 张俊霞

【导师】 杨旺生;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中华民族植梨、食梨历史悠久,最早可以追溯到三千年前的先秦时期。在长期的植梨、食梨、品花过程中所形成的梨文化是中华民族的宝贵遗产,充分利用梨文化资源具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。近年来随着生态农业日益受到重视,如何把经济发展与生态环保结合起来,是我们必须面对的一个问题。梨作为经济作物,借鉴古人植梨、赏梨的经验无疑可以给我们有益的启示。国内学者在梨的栽培、梨与文学艺术等方面都有论及,但对于传统文献中关于梨的资料却少有人进行系统的总结。因此,梨文化资源的挖掘工作尚待深入。因此,本文立足于利用古籍资料,充分探讨古人对梨的开发和利用。既具体论述梨的物质形态,也系统地总结了古人对梨文化精神价值的开发和深化。这也是本文创新之处。论文首先阐述梨文化种植及经济价值,主要体现在名称考析、品种演变、种植技术、食用价值、药用价值、园艺价值等几个方面,梨的这些物质形态是当今梨产业发展的基石。而后,在此基础上详细论述了梨文化内容,考证了我国源远流长的古代梨文化发展历程、特点和当今梨文化发展现状,以及历代的文人墨客,通过文学、艺术、戏剧等形式对梨及梨花的淡雅之色、清香之味、优雅之姿、感伤离怀之韵进行歌颂,以及对梨花的文化象征意义的揭示,使梨花具有了强烈的人文气息,也得到人们的普遍认可和尊敬,从而丰富其文化内涵,提高了人们的精神境界。此外,在漫长的历史进程中,我国先民形成了不同的食梨风俗、食梨禁忌,这些风俗习惯与中华民族的优良品德和道德楷模的局限性相关联,这也是对梨文化的精神价值的诠释。但历来梨的价值利用重实用、轻文化,这使得梨文化的进一步开发利用及梨产业的推广步履维难。因此,分析了我国文化产业在开发过程所存在的问题和突围路径,并就梨文化资源的旅游开发提出了一些自己的建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese has a long history of pear. As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, dates back to pre-qin times, three thousand years ago. In a long-term process of planting pears, eating pears, enjoying the flowers of pear is a rich inheritance of the chinese race, protection and development of chinese good as pears cultural resources are important academic value and realistic significance. we must face a problem. In recent years of ecological agriculture has attracted increasing attention to how to make economic development and ecological environmental protection. Article defines the concept of pears cultural. Article tests the long-time developmen of our country’s ancient pears cultural and the development of currental pears cultural based on this researching. Pears as a cash crop, the embedded pears, a pear experience, we have no doubt be beneficial enlightenment. Domestic authors of the pear, pears and literature and art there were talked about, but for traditional sources of information about the pears are few people in the summary.Therefore, pears and cultural resources to further the work of excavation.Therefore, this article is based on information of ancient and explore the pear development and usefull. Both concretely addressed the matter of form, pears and systematically reviewed the cultural value of pears development and to deepen. This is also this innovation.The first, Pears grow on paper cultural and economic value. Mainly embodied in the name of the breakdown of evolution, plant, technical, for its culinary, gardening, worth several areas, pears of these materials form is the cornerstone of the industrial development. Then, in this foundation the pear dwells on the cultural content. Examining our country’s most ancient pears cultural development process and characteristics and cultural development. And the generation of scholars, literature, art, drama, pears and pear blossoms in the elegant color, grace, many of them, with the rhythm of, has conducted. And pear blossoms cultural significance of having revealed that the plum with a strong sense of humanity and for universal recognition and respect, to enrich their culture, to improve the people. In addition, during the long course of history, our ancestors have developed different custom of eating a pear, pears taboo, and the customs and the virtues and moral leadership or limitations, this is the value of spirit of pears. But always pears value of the practical, culture, the pear culture develops and utilizes and furthers promoting the pear industry difficult which is no dimension. Therefore, the analysis of our country’s cultural industries in the development of the problem and breaks a path, and pears cultural resources of the tourism development made a proposal.

【关键词】 梨文化开发利用
【Key words】 PearThe flowers of pearDevelopment and usage
  • 【分类号】K203
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】376

