

Research on Ultra-long Drilling Technique of Gas Drainage

【作者】 王二鹏

【导师】 刘剑;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,我国煤矿瓦斯突出和爆炸事故频发,如何有效治理瓦斯成为我国政府和煤炭企业实现安全、合理、高效开采的重大技术难题。其中,瓦斯抽采是被世界公认的解决煤矿瓦斯突出和爆炸的有效途径,是实现煤与瓦斯突出煤层安全开采的关键。如今,随着千米钻机装备和随钻测量仪器在我国煤矿井下的逐步推广和应用,已经局部实现钻孔深度达600~1000m,甚至1000m以上的超长钻孔,为大幅度的提高瓦斯抽采量和抽采效率,显著提高瓦斯抽采效果奠定了基础。煤矿井下超长钻孔瓦斯抽采的核心技术是水平定向钻进技术(Horizontal Directional drilling,简称HDD)。目前,该技术在我国煤矿的应用还不成熟,尚处于摸索和试验阶段。本论文以晋煤集团寺河煤矿为试验基地,针对目前该矿在超长钻孔瓦斯抽采施工中出现的各种问题,通过资料搜集、现场调查、理论分析、现场试验相结合的方法,对超长钻孔瓦斯抽采工艺中涉及到的水平定向施工技术、钻孔轨迹测量技术、施工设备及仪器、成孔工艺和钻进工艺参数进行分析和研究,并进一步分析和总结了防止在超长钻孔施工中发生塌孔、堵孔、卡钻等事故的相关技术和经验,同时结合晋煤集团寺河煤矿采用ZDY6000L(A)型千米钻机在东一盘区北翼集中大巷进行的超长钻孔瓦斯抽采施工情况,具体阐述了超长钻孔瓦斯抽采的现场施工工艺、钻孔参数处理以及钻孔轨迹图的绘制过程,并根据瓦斯抽采数据,对瓦斯抽采效果进行了客观评价。

【Abstract】 In recent years, gas explosion and outburst have happened frequently, how to effectively control the gas has become the key technical problems for China’s government and coal enterprises to realize safe and reasonable and efficient exploitation. Among them, gas drainage is an effective way to solve gas outburst and explosion ,which has been recognized by the world, and is crucial to realize safety mining. Nowadays, coal enterprises have realized 600 ~ 1000 meter or even above 1000 meter ultra-long drilling depth with kilometer drilling equipment and measuring instruments gradually popularized and applied in China’s coal mines, which has laid a solid foundation to dramatically increase summation and efficiency of gas drainage, and to significantly improve the result of gas drainage .Technique core of ultra-long drilling technique of gas drainage is Horizontal Directional drilling (HDD) in the coal mine. At present, application of the technology is still test stage, not mature. Test site is Si He coal mine of Jin Mei enterprise. Through data collection, field investigation, theory analysis and field test, the paper summarizes related theory and practice experience about Horizontal Directional drilling technology, drilling trace measurement technology, using equipment and apparatus, drilling parameters and drilling hole craft construction, and it comprehensively researches and analyses each link and factor of ultra-long drilling technique of gas drainage for various problems of its gas drainage. Meanwhile,the paper specifically elaborates field craft of ultra-long drilling technique of gas drainage, drilling parameters processing and drawing process of drilling trace, by the use of ZDY6000LD(A) kilometer drilling machine in north wing concentrated tunnel of east one panel of Si He coal mine of Jin Mei enterprise. According to the data, the paper objectively evaluates the result of gas drainage. It is also an effective solution to bad quality of drilling hole at Si He coal mine in the past.


