

The Ore-controlling Factors and Prospecting Perspective of the Bajiazi Molybdenum Mine in Jianchang County

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 王宇林;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要以建昌八家子钼矿为研究对象,在总结前人研究成果和野外工作的基础上,综合运用岩石学、矿物学、矿床学、矿产勘查学、地球化学等多地质学科理论和方法,对区域地质背景、矿区地质概况进行分析,根据物探激发极化中间梯度法异常解释,结合钻孔资料,阐述矿床的地质特征以及对岩浆岩、构造、围岩蚀变等控矿因素进行分析:矿体的位置形态与岩浆岩体、断裂有密切关系,产出于断裂的交合部位附近。通过矿区的岩石样品分析,确定含矿热液是来自于燕山期中侏罗世花岗斑岩。当含矿热液伴随酸性岩浆的脉动式侵入,早期构造的活动破坏以及岩体在斑岩内部产生原生裂隙,为成矿提供了良好的空间条件。根据矿石的结构与构造特征,总结出围岩蚀变的类型及水平方向分带。最后在GIS平台下运用证据权重法对研究区进行矿产预测。

【Abstract】 The Ba Jiazi molybdenum mine located in JianChang county is studied for object in the paper. Some geological disciplines theory and methodologies like petrology, mineralogy, economic geology, mineral exploration, geochemical etl are used for analysis of the regional geological setting, geological profile, and interpretation of the data of induced polarization geophysical anomaly method. The geological features of mineralization are described and the magmatic, tectonic, ore-controlling factors such as wall-rock alteration are analyzed combined with construction materials on-site drilling. The results are as follows:the shape and location of mineralization are closely related to magmatic rocks, fractures and produced in the vicinity of fracture intercourse. The ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid produced from the Yanshan granite porphyry Jurassic period is determined through the analysis of rock samples in the mining. When the ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid with the pulse-type granite porphyry invasive, the fractures of the rock existed in the internal of porphyry and the activities of the early structural damage provide a good space for ore. The type of wall rock alteration and horizontal banding are summed up according to the structure and structural characteristics of the ore. Finally, the mineral in the study area is predicted using of weight of evidence method with GIS platform.


