

The Study on Modeling and Simulation of Infrared Lidar to Measure Methane Concentration

【作者】 井毅鹏

【导师】 付华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 甲烷是一种易燃易爆气体,是煤矿瓦斯的主要成分。一直以来瓦斯灾害是制约煤炭安全的主要因素。因此,实时准确地检测井下甲烷气体浓度有着十分重要的意义。本文研究的是基于光谱吸收的井下检测甲烷气体浓度的红外激光雷达,它可以远距离对甲烷气体进行实时准确的检测。首先,根据红外激光雷达的检测原理和井下环境,分析和建立了红外激光雷达系统模型;其次,根据建立的模型,研究了激光雷达的回波信号统计模型,并研究了斑纹及干扰噪声对回波信号统计模型的影响;然后,提出了应用kalman滤波算法对信号进行信号处理;最后,根据建立的红外激光模型和提出的信息处理算法,利用matlab软件进行仿真研究并建立相应的仿真系统。研究结果表明:建立的雷达系统模型符合实际,提出的信号处理算法能更好地提取甲烷气体浓度。通过建立的仿真系统,可以直观方便地评价和分析井下检测甲烷气体浓度的红外激光雷达的性能,有助于井下检测甲烷气体浓度的红外激光雷达的方案制定和性能改进,是一种及科学有经济的研究手段。

【Abstract】 Methane is a kind of inflammable and explosive gas, it is the main component of mine gas. The gas disaster is always a main factor that restricts the coal safety. Therefore, an accurate real-time detection of methane concentrations has the extremely vital significance.This paper researches an infrared lidar to detect methane concentrations in the down mine based on the spectrum absorption that can remote detect the real-time and accurate methane gas of environment. First of all, according to an infrared lidar detection principle and the environment of the down mine, an infrared lidar system model is analyzed and established. Secondly, according to the model of lidar, the echo signal statistical model is studied, and the influence of the stripes and interference noise is studied for the echo signal statistical model; Then, the kalman filtering algorithm is put forward to process signal, Finally, according to the established infrared laser model and the information processing algorithms, the corresponding simulation system is researched and established by using the matlab software. The results of the study indicate that: the established radar system model accords with the actual and the proposed signal processing algorithm can better extract methane gas concentrations.The established simulation system can intuitively and conveniently appraise and analyze the infrared lidar to detection methane gas concentrations in the down mine, and helps the scheme and performance improvement of the infrared lidar, is a kind of science and economic research means.


