

Cost-Benefit Analysis on Management Practices of Agricultural Non-Point Source Point Source Pollution in Yixing

【作者】 杨杉杉

【导师】 曲福田;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 成因复杂、分布广泛、随机性强、周期长、危害大等特点,决定了农业面源污染的管理与防治是一个复杂的系统工程。将工程措施、管理措施与当地环境、经济条件相结合,建立“源”减污、“汇”消污的综合管理方案,是解决农业面源污染严重的必要途径。此外,农业面源污染的发生还与农村对经济利益的不断追求息息相关。因此,将面源污染防治与经济投入结合起来,从经济有效性角度分析防治措施的费用、效益,寻找既能满足农业面源污染治理要求,又能实现经济投入最小的污染治理措施显得十分必要。本文以宜兴市作为研究对象,尝试从工程经济角度分析同一环境背景下多种农业面源污染防治措施的经济、环境效益,并对其进行费用效益分析。得出以下主要结论:1.针对研究区域内污染现状,设计了测土配方施肥、中型沼气池建设、农村生活污水处理工程、农村户用沼气池建设、生态沟(渠、塘)建设以及岸边缓冲带建设6种污染防治措施,并对各种措施的建设费用、运行费用、经济效益、环境效益进行调查、测算。对农业面源污染防治措施进行费用效益分析,通过净现值、净现值率等评价指标发现:从微观角度分析,只考虑措施建设所带来的经济效益,只有测土配方施肥技术和中型沼气池建设是经济合理的。措施的经济效益排序为测土配方施肥技术>中型沼气池建设>户用沼气池建设>生态沟(渠、塘)建设>岸边缓冲带建设。从宏观角度分析,综合考虑措施的经济效益和环境效益,除生活污水处理工程措施,其他措施都是经济合理可行的。各措施的综合效益优先序为:测土配方>中型沼气池建设>生态沟(渠、塘)建设,户用沼气池建设=岸边缓冲带建设>生活污水处理工程。因此,在实际应用中要根据不同时期、不同投资限制和规划重点等对多种措施进行综合比较分析,合理选择或结合使用。2.详细分析各措施对农业面源污染中总氮、总磷污染因子的消减能力发现:各措施对总氮、总磷污染因子的消减能力各有优劣。从总体上来看,措施消减总氮污染因子的能力均明显大于消减总磷的能力。各措施总氮消减能力的优劣顺序依次是:测土配方施肥技术>岸边缓冲带建设>户用沼气池建设>生态沟(渠、塘)建设>生活污水处理工程>中型沼气池建设;总磷消减能力依次为:户用沼气池建设>岸边缓冲带建设>生态沟(渠、塘)建设>中型沼气池建设>生活污水处理工程。这就提醒,在治理农业面源污染时,不仅要根据污染总量制定治理方案,还有必要对污染因子的具体现状进行分析,认清各类污染因子治理的紧迫性,有针对性的制定污染治理方案。本文运用经济学方法对部分面源污染防治措施进行了经济分析与评价,说明污染防治措施在费用、效益方面存在的差异,以期为农业面源污染治理规划的制定提供帮助。

【Abstract】 Agricultural non-point source pollution treatment and management will be a complex and long-term task due to its widely distributed, long period and other characteristics.A comprehensive management programs,considering the enginering and management practices and local economic conditions will be an effective way to control agricultural nonpoint source pollution.In addition, there is a close correlation in the agricultural nonpoint source pollution and the pursuit for rural economic.So it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the cost and benefit of the treatment practices of gricultural nonpoint source pollution in order to obtain sound management practices, which not only reach environmental goals but also have economic fessibility and optimization.The paper takes Yixing City as the research object.,and tries to analyze the enviromental and economic benefit of different management practices under the same background conditions from the view of enginering economics.The following are main conclusions:For the pollution status in the study area, design six kinds of practces:soil testing and fertilizer, medium-sized biogas digesters, rural sewage treatment projects, methane-generating pit for farm household, eco-ditch (drainage, pond), riparian vegetation; and survey and estimate their total cost, economic and environmental benefits;and make a comperhensive evaluation ahout these practices using net present value, net present value ratio and other indicators. From the microscopic point of view, only considering the economic benefits, only the soil testing and fertilizer and medium-sized biogas digesters are economic fessibility, and sort these measures with the economic benefits, the result is that: soil testing and fertilizer>medium-sized biogas digesters> methane-generating pit for farm household> eco-ditch (drainage, pond)> riparian vegetation. In macro perspective, also taking environmental benefits into account, all practices are economically reasonable and feasible except sewage treatment project, and the priority order is:soil testing and fertilizer>medium-sized biogas digesters> eco-ditch (drainage, pond)> methane-generating pit for farm household= riparian vegetation> rural sewage treatment projects. So in practice, when planing enviromental pracices, we should consider the times, the investment restrictions and the focus of plan to make reasonable choice between different practices.Detailly calculate these practices’capacity to reduce the nitrogen and the phosphorus pollution factors of agricluture non-piont pollution source and found that there is a significant difference between them about the abatement capacity. On the whole, the ability to reduce nitrogen pollution factors is significantly greater than the ability to reduce phosphorus pollution factors.For the ability to reduce nitrogen pollution facors, the order is: soil testing and fertilizer>riparian vegetation>methane-generating pit for farm household> eco-ditch (drainage, pond)>medium-sized biogas digesters> rural sewage treatment project; and the priority order to reduce the phosphorus is:soil testing and fertilizer> riparian vegetation> eco-ditch (drainage, pond)> medium-sized biogas digesters> rural sewage treatment projects>methane-generating pit for farm household. So, in order to propose the targeted decision about the treatment of agriculture non-point source pollution, it is very necessary not only to calculate the total amount of pollution, but also need to identify the pollution factors and analyze their urgence.In summary, the paper analyzes and evaluates many treatment practices about agricultural nonpoint source pollution through economic methods, and proves the existence of difference betwwen these practices’cost and benefits, in order to make some asisstance for the plan of treating agricultural nonpoint source pollution.

  • 【分类号】X592;F327
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】423

