

Study on Optimal Design for Land Leveling Project Based on DEM and LP

【作者】 黄琪

【导师】 刘友兆;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近十多年来,我国的土地整理为保障粮食安全,实现耕地总量动态平衡,提高土地利用率和产出率,促进耕地规模经营、产业集聚发展、人口集中居住,改善农业生产条件和生态环境等方面发挥了重要作用。土地平整是土地整理工程项目设计中的关键和难点,其投资占工程总投资的比重大,同时对合理灌排、改良土壤、保持肥力、提高劳动生产率和机械作业效率等起着重要作用。然而随着土地整理工作的深入开展和信息化程度的提高,土地平整工程设计需要新理论与技术的支持,以优化项目设计方案、提高效率并节约投资。论文通过总结和借鉴国内外土地整理理论和土地平整工程已有的技术和方法,以最优化费用为目标,在分析影响土地平整工程影响因素的基础上,进行理论创新与实证研究,构建了土地平整设计优化模型并加以计算。主要内容有:(1)土地平整工程设计优化研究的理论框架。分别从DEM建立、田块设计和土方量计算与调配三个方面进行分析,构建了系统优化的分析框架;(2)DEM的建立。按照工程设计要求,在DEM建模和评价的理论基础上,建立了项目区大比例尺DEM;(3)田块设计。按照项目区现状和规划的线状要素,划分了土地平整区域,在土地平整区域内,建立了各田块土方量挖填平衡、总土方量最小约束下的田块高程设计线性规划模型,解算得到了田块的优化设计高程;(4)土方量计算与调配。在土地平整区域内,计算了各田块的土方量、运输重心和运输距离,建立了土方调配运输模型,通过解算确定土方调配的最优路径。(5)在以上理论与方法研究基础上,对南京市江宁区湖熟街道土地平整工程设计进行了实证研究。通过以上理论与实证研究,得到以下主要结论:(1)土地平整工程设计包含田块设计、土方量计算和调配等内容,应该在以往针对单一内容建模优化的基础上,进一步构建系统优化模型,计算全局优化解;(2)将DEM和LP综合用于土地平整工程设计具有可行性和实用性。通过构建并解算田块设计线性规划模型和土方调配运输模型,为合理设计田块和土方调配路径提供了依据:(3)采用ArcGIS和Matlab软件建模和计算,充分发挥了ArcGIS软件在DEM建立与制图方面的优势和Matlab软件建模与求解的优势,实证分析表明该方法达到了优化设计的目标。最后,论文针对模型的适应性和不足,指出了改进方法。(1)研究在不同微地貌特征下模型的适应性并改进;(2)充分运用高分辨率遥感数据覆盖面广、性价比高、时效性好的特点,建立基于遥感影像的DEM进行土地平整工程设计;(3)在GIS软件中,开发基于该模型的工具条。

【Abstract】 Over the past decade, land consolidation has played an important role in ensuring national food security, achieving dynamic balance of total arable land, improving land utilization and output rate, promoting large-scale land management, industrial agglomeration, concentration of living areas, improving agricultural production conditions and ecological environment in China. Land leveling is the key and difficult problem in design of land consolidation project. The investment of land leveling project always makes a significant part in the total investment, what’s more, well-designed land leveling project makes it easy to design road, irrigation canals and ditches, reduce soil erosion, maintain soil fertility, and improve labor productivity and mechanical efficiency. However, with further progress in land consolidation, the new theory and technology are needed in land consolidation design to solve practical problems encountered in the work, save investments and improve efficiency.Based on the previous studies and the related theories, minimizing costs was set as a goal, then the factors of land formation cost was fully analyzed, finally the optimization model for land leveling design was proposed in the paper. The main contents of this paper are as follows. (1) The analytical framework of optimal design for land leveling project. The paper built up a systematic analytical framework from the creation of DEM, dimension design of field and earthwork calculation and transport. (2) The creation of DEM. According to the specification of engineering design, large scale DEM was created based on the theories of DEM creation and analyze; (3) Dimension design of field. The study area was divided into many regions and units by roads, irrigation canals and ditches, then a linear programming model of minimum earthwork, design elevation of cell field and balance of earthwork was established to solve the optimum solution. (4) The earthwork calculation and transport. The earthwork cost model was established to solve the optimization transport program. (5) The model and the methods were applied in Dongyang Project Land Consolidation in Jiangning County Nanjing city.After the theoretical and empirical research, the main conclusions are as followings:First. Optimal design for land leveling project contents creation the DEM model, dimension design of field, earthwork calculation and transportation et al. A systematic optimization model should be constructed based on the previous study, only in this way can we get a globe optimal solution.Second, it is entirely feasible to introduce DEM and LP to optimal design for land leveling project. A reasonable dimension design of field and transport route program were gotten by the LP model of dimension design of field and earthwork transportation networks model.Third, ArcGIS and Matlab software were applied in the model. Tthe advantages of establishing and analyzing DEM and the strength of modeling and solving were used. Empirical analysis demonstrated that the method achieved the target.Some suggestions are proposed to make improvement of the optimal design for land leveling project based on DEM and LP model. (1) More studies are needed in different areas and different land-shaped areas to improvement of the model; (2)With the development of high resolution remote sensing, high resolution remote sensing imagines should be used in establishing high resolution DEM; (3) Developing the application toolbar in GIS software by develop based on the model

  • 【分类号】P208;TU751
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】377
  • 攻读期成果

