

The Study on the Promoting Effect of Sihong Cooperative Bank on Rural Economic Development

【作者】 陈琴琴

【导师】 刘荣茂;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 泗洪农村合作银行是江苏省首家农合行,在过去的几年中一直致力于深化农信社改革,服务泗洪农村金融发展。以农村金融理论和经济发展理论为基础,研究制约泗洪农村合作银行支持农村经济发展的关键因素,找出现有问题的治理之道,具有很强的实践性和应用价值。本文基于泗洪农村合作银行的经营数据,泗洪县农村经济发展的数据进行以下几方面的分析:第一章:问题的提出。梳理国内外相关文献,借鉴前人研究思路和研究成果。确定论文涉及的关键概念和研究内容。同时选取适合的研究方法和途径。理清文章的大体研究思路。第二章:理论回顾与分析。梳理农村合作银行作用农村经济发展的理论基础,主要涉及金融增长和经济发展理论和合作金融理论两大块。运用基础理论,从农村中小企业与“三农”的角度,阐述农村合作银行对农村经济发展的作用。第三章:泗洪农村合作银行支持农村经济发展的分析。首先分别对泗洪农村经济现状及泗洪农村合作银行整体情况分析。进而从微观数据入手,借鉴Yaron评价金融机构二元指标体系,从贷款投放量、农户和小企业贷款户数与贷款覆盖面、金融创新对泗洪农村合作银行支持农村经济发展进行绩效评估。最后将宏观和微观分析相结合论述对“三农”服务特别是高效农业发展的影响,以及对当地中小企业融资的影响。第四章:泗洪农村合作银行支持农村经济发展的制约因素分析。从区域经济发展制约银行的资金规模;农村信用环境差,信用担保体制缺失;激烈的市场竞争环境,与商业银行存在的差距;信贷风险高,资产质量差;金融产品与服务创新能力有待提高五个方面阐述。第五章:相关政策建议。从因地制宜,促进区域经济发展;改善农村信用环境,建全信用担保体系;准确市场定位,塑造自己的品牌;控制贷款风险,提高资产质量;加大金融产品创新、服务创新等方面提出相应的政策建议,为泗洪农村合作银行支持农村经济健康持续发展提供相关依据。

【Abstract】 SiHong rural cooperative bank is the first rural cooperative bank in Jiangsu Province.It has being promoting the reform of rural credit cooperatives according to the situation of SiHong. On the basis of the theory of rural financial theory and economic development theory, finding the main problem of effecting SiHong rural cooperative bank supporting the rural economic development and putting forward some suggested measures for the transformation has some practical value.In this paper, Based on the date from SiHong rural cooperative bank and rural economic development date of SiHong county, we analysis something of the following aspects:Chapter one is put forward the Questions. Screening for the hot economic issues and combining with ourselves practical work, we have reviewed some domestic and foreign literature to define the relevant concepts and determine the background and significance of research, at the same time; we also select the appropriate methods and approaches of the research. Get the general ideas of the article.Chapter Two is theory review and analysis. We have reviewed some domestic and foreign literature in order to classify theory basis. The theory mainly related to two parts, the first is the theory of financial growth and economic development, the second is about cooperative finance theory. In this paper, based on the current theory, we described the functions of the cooperative Banks in the rural economic development from the rural SMES and the "Agricultural culture, Agricultural village, Agricultural peasants".Chapter three is an Empirical Analysis about SiHong rural cooperative bank, firstly, we must have a total understanding of the local rural economic development status and basic information about SiHong rural cooperative bank, and we also analyzed the interaction between of them. second, based on the micro data and Yaron evaluation index system, we evaluated the performance of SiHong rural cooperative bank to support the rural economic development, which is from four aspects to analyze, such as loans quantity、the number of farmer and SMES loans and the coverage of loans、the kinds of credit and innovative products. Finally, combining macro and micro, we described the impact of "Agricultural culture. Agricultural village, Agricultural peasants", especially the efficiency agriculture development of SiHong, as well as the impact on local SMES.Chapter four is restriction factors of SiHong rural cooperative bank, we described the restriction factors mainly from five aspects, such as the local restriction factor of Bank asset scale、poor rural credit environment and lack of credit guarantee system. the fierce market and the gap with commercial banks、low quality of bank credit assets and high credit risk、further enhanced of Financial products and service innovation ability.Chapter five is relevant policies and suggestions, which are about how to make SiHong rural cooperative bank healthy and sustainable development. We put forward some relevant policies and suggestions, mainly from the following aspects:adjust measures to local conditions and develop the regional economic、improve rural credit environment and set up credit guarantee system、positing accurate market and create own brands、effective control the risk of the loan、increasing financial product and service innovation.

  • 【分类号】F832.2;F327
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

