

A Research on Competitiveness of Rural Cooperative Banks in Jiangsu Sihong in the Context of Financial Reform

【作者】 朱英杰

【导师】 董晓林;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年5月8日,经中国银监会批准,江苏省首家农村合作银行——江苏泗洪农村合作银行正式挂牌开业,该银行是在原泗洪县农村信用合作联社的基础上改制而成的,属于股份合作制地方性金融机构,这也标志着江苏省农村信用社产权形式多元化改革揭开了新篇章。然而,随着农村金融改革的深入,我国金融市场的准入政策逐渐放松,特别是在农村金融市场上,近年来越来越多的国内外金融机构进入农村市场,村镇银行、资金互助社等新型的农村金融机构也不断出现,并逐步壮大,小额贷款公司的发展,并在支农过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,在农村金融深化改革的背景下,作为泗洪县农村金融的主力军,农村合作银行在激烈的市场竞争中如何立于不败之地、如何更好地为地方经济发展服务、如何进一步提升其核心竞争力等问题值得关注。本丈以江苏泗洪农村合作银行为例,研究了其核心竞争力构成要素现状,借鉴层次分析法(AHP)对泗洪农村合作银行的核心竞争力情况进行了实证分析,提出了提升泗洪农村合作银行的对策建议。全文共分6章,其主要内容包括三个方面:(1)泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力构成要素分析通过对泗洪农村合作银行经营现状及核心竞争力构成要素分析,了解了泗洪农村合作银行的概况,从核心竞争力的构成要素的现实竞争力和隐性竞争力两个方面分别进行剖析,发现近年来,泗洪农村合作银行在各方面均取得了一定成绩,但受经波动影响,2008年以来进展进程放缓,仍有需要进一步发展的空间。(2)泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力的实证分析借助AHP方法对泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力情况作了实证分析。得到结论指出,首先,从时间纵向变化方面,泗洪农村合作银行现实竞争力受时间变化有较大波动。相比之下,潜在竞争力受经济环境的影响则不那么强烈,该合作银行的潜在竞争力一直处于相对较为平稳的状态。其次,从影响的主要因素来看,现实竞争力中安全性因素、流动性因素和盈利能力因素是主要的影响因素;潜在竞争力中,部门设置影响因素、人才配置因素是主要影响因素。(3)提升泗洪农村合作银行的对策结合前丈研究结论,提出了提升核心竞争力的策略。首先,要继续深化改革、明确市场定位;其次,要提高员工素质、加强人力资源建设;然后,要加快创新步伐、提升服务能力和水平;最后,要完善风险管理、强化风险控制能力。

【Abstract】 On 8th May,2005, Approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, Jiangsu Province, the first rural cooperative Bank-Jiangsu Sihong rural cooperative banks officially opened, The bank was transformed basing on the original Sihong County Credit Union, belonging to local financial institutions in the stock cooperative system. This also marks the form of ownership of rural credit cooperatives, Jiangsu Province, has opened a new chapter in the diversification of the reform. However, with the rural financial reform, financial market access policy is gradually relaxing, especially in rural financial markets, in recent years an increasing number of domestic and foreign financial institutions have being rushing into the rural market. New emerging rural financial institutions, such as rural banks, Mutual funds, etc are growing step by step, development of small loan companies is playing an increasingly important role in supporting agriculture. In the context of deepening the reform of rural finance, rural finance as the main force in Sihong, in the fierce market competition, how could rural financing cooperative banks be invincible, how to better services for local economic development, how to further enhance its Competitiveness and other issues are of great concern. This paper takes Jiangsu Sihong rural cooperative banks for example, mainly researching elements of the competitive situation, conducting analysis of the competitiveness of Sihong rural cooperative banks basing on analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and giving rise to Sihong County cooperative banks.The paper is divided into six chapters, which mainly includes three aspects:(1)Elements of Competitiveness in Rural cooperative banks SihongBy analyzing status of rural cooperative banks and competitive elements of Sihong, this part mainly helps understand the Sihong the profile of rural cooperative banks, analyzing separately the two aspects of competitiveness in implicit elements of and the reality. Thus finding out that in recent years, rural cooperative banks Sihong in all respects made some achievements, but affected by the fluctuations, progress of the process has been slowing down since 2008, so there is still room for further development.(2) Empirical analysis for the competitive power of Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County. We use the AHP method for empirical analysis for the competitive power of Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County. The conclusion points out that, first of all, in the aspect of the longitudinal changes of time, the competitive power of Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County has larger fluctuation as time changes. In contrast, the potential competitiveness is less affected by economic environmental. The potential competitiveness of this cooperative bank has been in a relatively steady state. Secondly, judging from the main factors, the safety factor, liquidity factors and profitability factors in the current competitive powers are the main influencing factors. In the potential competitiveness, the factor of department set and the factor of talent distribution are main influencing factors.(3) The countermeasure to improve Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County.Combined with earlier research conclusion, we put forward the strategy to enhance their competitiveness. First of all, we must continue to deepen reform and define market. Next, we have to improve the quality of employees and strengthen the construction of human resources. Then, we should speed up the pace of innovation and enhance the service level and ability. Finally, we have to perfect the risk management and strengthen the ability to control risk.

  • 【分类号】F832.35
  • 【下载频次】161

