

A Study on Safety Production Model and Its’ Security Policy of Pork in Zhangjiagang

【作者】 沈丹

【导师】 王凯;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年张家港市城镇居民人均食品支出5972元,其中猪肉的消费依然是主要的肉食品消费,包括牛羊肉家禽等肉类在内,城乡居民猪肉的消费量平均在50%以上,可见,猪肉消费在城乡居民生活中有多重要,而近几年来,“瘦肉精”、“注水猪肉”等猪肉质量安全事件频发,给城乡居民的生活带来了普遍的不良影响。针对猪肉质量安全事件,众多专家学者以及猪肉市场参与者积极探寻新的生产经营模式以求适应市场环境的变化,猪肉产业链的出现以及生猪生态生产模式和标准化生产的推广都为猪肉质量安全的保证提供了新的途径。所谓猪肉产业链,就是将猪肉生产资料供应、育种、育肥、肉类产品生产、加工、储运和销售等环节相联接的一个有机整体,并对其中的人、财、物、信息、技术等要素资源进行有效的组织、协调与控制,以期获得猪肉产品的价值增值。而生态养猪就是根据生态系统物质循环与能量流动的基本原理,将猪作为农业生态系统必要的组成部分,应用农业生态工程方法阻止生猪生产,以提高养猪效益和实现综合效益最优化。生猪标准化是指运用“统一、简化、协调、优化”的标准化原则,对生猪生产产前、产中、产后全过程,通过制定和实施标准,促进先进的农业成果和经验的迅速推广确保生猪产品的质量和安全,提高养殖经济效益,保护环境,促进生猪流通,规范市场秩序,指导生产、引导消费,从而取得良好的生态、经济和社会效益。本文以张家港地区现有的生猪养殖户和养猪场为研究对象,结合产业链管理理论探讨张家港地区生猪安全生产模式,分析各种生产模式的相应运行机制,总结张家港地区生猪安全生产模式成功运作的经验,具体的研究内容和基本结论如下所示:研究内容一:运用SWOT方法总结张家港市猪肉产业的特点,介绍张家港市猪肉生产经营情况与消费情况。研究结果表明:张家港市生猪产业发展前景并不十分乐观,张家港市畜牧业发展需要走集约化道路,充分发挥张家港市在经济发展水平、区位以及科技投入方面的优势,积极探索在育种、标准化养殖、产业链整合、质量保障体系等方面探索新的发展模式,引进并加强自主创新,培育生猪产业发展的独特优势,从而满足人们对优质、健康猪肉产品的需求。研究内容二:选取张家港市“苏太猪”扩繁场作为研究对象,深入分析苏太猪品牌导向模式的运行及其成本收益情况;以张家港市凤凰镇清水养殖场的养殖户为研究对象,分析并总结生态养殖模式的特点及其成本收益情况;以张家港市乐余镇FH有限公司为研究对象,对该公司标准化养殖模式进行总结与案例分析。研究结果表明:目前,张家港市生猪生产经营模式主要包括生态养殖模式、大规模标准养殖模式、品牌导向模式等,这些有特色的生产经营模式与张家港市本身的经济发展情况、土地等资源禀赋情况、劳动力素质与劳动力成本情况以及非农就业机会,还有包括生态环境建设的情况都息息相关。其中,大规模标准化养殖模式已经通过农业部组织的考察评定,具有全国意义的示范作用;生态养殖模式,主要由中小规模的养殖户与当地农业特色果业在环境规制与生产资料成本上升的情况下结合而生的,该模式需要的资源条件较为严格与苛刻,对技术、土地、交通、气候以及市场都有较高的要求,在某种意义上也具有一定的示范效应;以张家港“苏太猪”扩繁场育种而后育肥生产的康太牌猪肉,以品牌导向模式进行组织生产与质量安全的保障,对于生猪产业的发展具有十分重要的推广意义。研究内容三:阐述并分析张家港市相关政府部门在猪肉安全生产方面的政策保障作用,总结其有效经验。研究结果表明:张家港市政府对生猪生产连续出台一系列优惠扶持政策,包括推行名牌农产品称号的物质奖励,鼓励品牌化经营;开展畜禽养殖示范场(户)建设并给予奖励,积极推广沼气处理畜禽粪便的办法并视其资金投入和处理效果给予适当补贴;开展能繁母猪养殖保险,实施防疫消毒补贴,对全市适宜防疫的母猪和仔猪免费进行高致病性蓝耳病防疫,而且消毒药免费送到养殖户家中。同时,张家港市实施生猪科技入户工程,促进农业科技成果的转化应用。畜牧兽医部门还全面加强动物卫生监督队伍的建设,针对张家港市猪肉供应的新情况,严格外来生猪产品的检疫管理,对大卖场、超市等经营生猪产品实行备案登记和索证制度,同时规范屠宰加工企业分销肉品检疫监管。加强对生猪“瘦肉精”的检测,尤其是兽药饲料的监管,大力推行兽药经营企业实行GSP制度,这些都为其他地区对生猪质量安全控制的实施提供了宝贵的借鉴经验。

【Abstract】 In 2010, Zhangjiagang people’s food expenditure per capita was 5,972 yuan, of which the consumption of pork meat was still the main food consumption, including poultry meat, beef, mutton, pork consumption in urban and rural residents on average 50% or more. So,we can see how important that pork consumption in urban and rural residents in people’s life.But in recent years, denbuterol pork,Injected water porkand other pork quality and frequency of security incidents was taking urban and rural residents to the common adverse effects. Many market participants, experts and scholars as well as pork production and actively explored lots of new business models in order to adapt to changes in market conditions, the emergence of the pork chain and the ecological productionmodel and standardization of the promotion had been a new way to guarantee the quality and safety of meat supply.The so-called pork chain, that was, the supply chain of pork production, breeding, fattening, meat production, processing, storage and marketing and other aspects relative to join an organization, coordinate and control the human, financial, material, information, technology and other resources for effective elements of the organization, in order to obtain the value of value-added pork products. The ecological pig farming is based on the ecosystem nutrient cycling and energy flow of the basic principles of the pig as agricultural ecosystems necessary component of agro-ecological engineering methods to prevent application of pig production, achieve overall efficiency of pig optimization. Standardization refers to the use of live pigs, "a unified, streamlined, coordinated, and optimized" the principle of standardization, that means pigs’production of the entire process, through the development and implementation of standards, promotion of advanced agricultural achievements and experience of the rapid promotion to ensure pig product quality and safety, improve farming economic efficiency, protect the environment, promote circulation of live pigs, standardize the market order, to guide the production, consumption, and obtain good ecological, economic and social benefits.In this paper, we focused on the existing pig farmers and pig farms in Zhangjiagang, combined with pork-chain management of production safety model, to analyze the corresponding production mode operation mechanism, summed up the successful operation of pig production mode security experienceof Zhangjiagang. The specific contents and the basic conclusions are as follows:Part I:Using SWOTmethods to analysis the pork industry characteristics of Zhangjiagang,to introduce the pork production and consumption of operation. The results showed that:Zhangjiagang’s pig industry was not very optimistic about the prospects for development, and it need to take the intensive road with location and technology investment advantages, to explore new development model in the breeding, standardization of culture industrial chain integration, quality assurance system, etc. to strengthenindependent innovation, foster the development of the unique advantages of the pig industry to meet people’s high quality, healthy meat products.Part II:We selected the Sutai and Qingshui cultivation farm in Fenghuang Town andFenghua Investment Management Limited in Leyu Town of Zhangjiagang Cityas the research objectsto analysis the pork-chainin-depth. The results showed that:At present, in Zhangjiagang City, the pig production and operation mode includedecological farming, large standard model, and brand-oriented pork-chain model. These unique business model was due to the own economic development, land resource endowments and other conditions, labor quality and labor costs as well as non-farm employment opportunities in Zhangjiagang, as well as including the situation of ecological environment were closely linked. Among them, the large-scale farming model has been standardized by the Ministry of Agriculture Organization of the study assessed the role of a model of national significance; ecological farming model, mainly by small and medium-scale farmers and local agricultural characteristics of the fruit industry in environmental regulation and rising costs of production born under the combination of the model requires more stringent resource conditions and harsh on technology, land, transportation, climate, and the market has higher demands, in a sense has a demonstration effect; to the Sutai farmbrand management mode of production and quality of safety, for the pig industry had a very important promotional significance.Part III:This paper described and analyzed the relevant government departments in Zhangjiagang City of pork safety policy protection to summarize the effective experience. The results showed that:Zhangjiagang Cityhad made a series of preferential policies, including the implementation of brand-name title of the material rewards of agricultural products and encourage brand management; carried out sow farming prosperity insurance, subsidies for the implementation of disinfection epidemic prevention in the city suitable for vaccination of sows and piglets were free of highly pathogenic blue-ear disease and epidemic prevention, and disinfectants to the farmers free of charge at home. Meanwhile, the implementation of live pigs technology projects were carried on as a major promotion of technology, to promote the transformation of agricultural science and technology applications. Overall animal husbandry and veterinary departments also supervised teams of animal health,made pig products outside strict quarantine management, hypermarkets, supermarkets and other business registration and pig products to implement cable card system and to standardize distribution of meat slaughtering and processing enterprises and quarantine supervision. Strengthen the detectionof Clenbuterol, and vigorously promote the GSP system of veterinary drug, these were valuable reference for experience for the quality assurance of pigs and pork quality management to implementation of other areas.

  • 【分类号】F326.3
  • 【下载频次】236

