

【作者】 周开玮

【导师】 何锡蓉;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 中国哲学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文是对明末高僧憨山贯通儒释道思想的研究,以其所著《中庸直指》为主要研究对象,兼及其他著作。首先,从儒释道三方面阐述憨山所处时代的思想背景,概述他一生的主要活动,从内因外缘描述他与佛儒的交涉,和其出入世间的处事方法,凸显他对于佛法与世间法的认识,以及他如何将大乘菩萨道的经世精神运用到生活实处。其次论述憨山提倡的“本源一心,所异者跻”的三教同源思想,在此基础上揭示他注解经典佛儒相互阐发的事实:一方面运用格义的方法,通过儒家伦理阐发佛教基本教义;另一方面运用会义的方法,通过佛教见性之说解释儒家经典。文章的工作重点在于区别憨山、朱子、阳明对《中庸》文本的态度,再提取《中庸》文本中的主要观念,分析这些观念在憨山的《中庸直指》、朱熹的《中庸章句》以及王阳明对“中庸”理解的区别,借此衬托憨山阐发《中庸》的新颖之处,体现借儒说佛的阐发方法。最后,评价憨山对《中庸》的诠释,指出他能掌握《中庸》的宗旨、深切着明地勾勒《中庸》的新内涵,同时于鲜明的时代性中融入了人文关怀。憨山对《中庸》的创见性诠释,发经文所未发,有利于儒学义理的深化与开展。虽然他没有根据原典逐字逐句注解,但其诠释无不闪烁着智慧的光辉,这无疑能对现当代的经典解读提供许多启发。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, mainly taking the treatise Essence in Doctrine of Mean as the text of object, is a monographic study of Master Han-Shan’s thinking of communication between Buddhism and Confucianism. First, the ground which Han-Shan’s thinking had originated and the life of this great monk is introduced. Then the thinking that Han-Shan intended communicating Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism is explained. Especially, Han-Shan’s interpretation of The Doctrine of Mean is taken as a case, which is compared with the interpretations of Zhu Xi’s and Wang Yang-Ming’s. From these comparisons the feature and innovation of Han-Shan’s thinking are uncovered. He made the previously unknown meaning, which is helpful to the deepening moral principles of Confucianism and carried it out. And people today who want to understand and interpret Chinese traditional classical texts well could be enlightened.

  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【下载频次】91

