

The Study of DPP’s Populist Style of Political Mobilization

【作者】 吴维旭

【导师】 何贻纶;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在台湾政治民主转型过程中,民进党逐渐形成近乎“模式”化的政治动员方式,即民粹(主义)式政治动员方式。民粹主义是现代化的产物,而民进党的民粹式政治动员便是应因台湾地区政治民主化而产生的动员实践形式,是一种极具台湾区域特色的政治民粹主义。台湾政治语境下的民粹主义更多地是在政治策略层面上展开。民进党的民粹主义动员模式主要体现在:对省籍(族群)、“统独”等具有分裂社会效应的议题建构,而使其政治动员具有强烈的族群政治及民族主义色彩;行销文宣及有效的组织动员使得民粹式政治动员的现实操作成为可能;民进党的公投动员与政策买票则表明其政治动员中的民粹主义更多地是一种诉诸民众利益或偏见的政治策略。民进党民粹式政治动员模式的成因在于:台湾政治民主转型及该过程中激烈的政党竞争、直接民主的实践直接导致了民进党的政治动员以民粹主义形式出现,而台湾地区民主转型前后特殊的社会、历史因素-族群政治、国家认同等情景问题—则决定了民进党民粹主义政治实践的“台湾”特征。除了对台湾民主政治转型及民众政治参与有一定的正面推动作用外,引起人们更多关注的则是民进党民粹式政治动员对台湾岛内政治发展、两岸关系的负面影响,即:省籍(族群)身份认同与公民身份认同的矛盾、高度政治参与下的政治内耗与政治冷漠、选举文化的“劣质化”、对社会的割裂效应、国家认同危机的加剧。由于台湾民主的不断巩固与公民社会的逐渐成熟,民进党执政期间政绩不彰、自身民主改革清廉形象的褪色,以及国民党的再度执政与两岸关系的改善,使得民进党政治动员的民粹主义模式在未来总体上会呈现式微趋势。但由于学理与实践中民粹主义与民主主义的密切关联,民进党自身意识形态取向、宣传与组织动员模式的历史积淀与惯性等原因,民进党仍旧会在一较长时间内去选择或被迫采用民粹主义的政治动员策略,即民进党的民粹主义实践在总体式微趋势中延续与反复。

【Abstract】 The DPP has gradually formed modeled political mobilization, which means populist style of political mobilization in the process of democracy transition of Taiwan politics. Populism is a product of modernization, the populist political mobilization of the DPP is a form of mobilization made by political democratization in Taiwan, which of highly regional characteristics of Taiwan. The populism within the political background of Taiwan is more named as a political strategy. The DPP’s populist mobilization model is mainly reflected as follows:the building of such mobilization agendas as "provincial clan (ethnic group)" and "unification vs independence" with divisive social effects, which add strong implication of ethnic politics and nationalism to political mobilization; marketing propaganda and effective organizational mobilization make the populist political mobilization possible; the referendums for mobilization and policies for bribing votes by the DPP reflect that populism is a political strategy,which more resort to the public interest or prejudice. The causes of the DPP’s populist political mobilization are as follows. The political process of democratic transition and the intense competition among parties; The practice of direct democracy led directly to the appearance of the DPP’s political mobilization in the form of populism; The special social and historical factors, such as ethnic politics and national identity issues, determine the features of the DPP’s populist political practices. In addition to some degree of positive effect on Taiwan’s democratic transformation and political participation of the public, more concern is some negative impact on political development of Taiwan and cross-strait relations, which namely include:the conflict between ethnic identity and citizenship identity; inferior election culture; political internal fiction and indifference; the separate effects on Taiwan’s society; the intensifying national identity crisis. The DPP’s populist model of political mobilization will show overall a declining trend in the future, whose causes are as follows. Taiwan’s democracy and civil society continue to develop towards consolidation and maturation. The DPP government fails to yield satisfactory performance, and self-clean image on democracy and reform has been fading. The KMT has returned to power and the improving cross-strait relations. However, the close association between democracy and populism in both theory and the practice, the DPP’s own ideological orientation, and several other factors such as the inertia of former mobilization model lead that the DPP will still choose or be forced to adopt populist strategy of political mobilization, which means there is certain continuation and repeat in the declining trend of the DPP’s populism in a long time.


