

Research on the Government Responsibility in the Current Supply of Rural Basic Medical Health Services

【作者】 周俊森

【导师】 赵麟斌;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 健康作为人的基本权利之一,是每个人孜孜以求的第一需求。医疗卫生服务关系到民众的身体健康与生老病死,与民众的生活息息相关。医疗卫生服务水平也体现了社会、经济发展的成果,展示我国服务型政府管理社会事务的能力。然而,随着经济的飞速发展,中国原有的医疗卫生体制不断地进行着分化及重组,农村一级的医疗卫生发展不容乐观,农村的基本医疗服务供给水平不能全面有效满足广大农民日益多元的健康需求,这已成为影响我国新时期社会主义新农村建设的障碍,为此,在提供农村基本医疗服务从而保障公民基本医疗需求方面,政府应承担起不可推卸的主导责任。那么,明确我国政府在农村基本医疗服务供给中所承担的主导责任,指出政府主导责任的优化路径,对改善当前农村基本医疗卫生状况,实现经济与社会协调发展,全面建设社会主义新农村具有重大的理论及现实意义。论文就当前农村基本医疗服务供给中的政府责任问题分三个部分加以论述。首先,从理论与政策的维度阐释了政府承担农村基本医疗卫生服务供给责任的必要性。然后,回顾与总结改革开放前后我国政府在农村医疗卫生服务中的作为及其成就,同时介绍了部分发达国家及发展中国家政府提供农村医疗服务的典型模式及经验启发。最后一部分审视政府在当前农村基本医疗服务供给中的薄弱环节,提出了在农村基本医疗服务供给中政府责任回归的实现路径。

【Abstract】 Health is the first need that each person pursued. It is one of the basic human rights. Medical and health services closely related to public health and life. The level of medical and health service reflected the social and economic development efforts. The level also shows service-oriented government in China’s ability to manage social affairs. However, with the rapid development of economy, the Chinese original medical health system is continuously carrying on the differentiation and reorganization. The health development of rural is not optimistic. The vast supply of basic medical health services in rural areas cannot be fully and effectively meet the level of the health needs of farmers. It has become an obstacle to building a new socialist countryside in new era. Therefore, the government should bear the dominant unshirkable responsibility in the provision of basic medical health services so as to guarantee the basic medical needs in rural areas.There is not only a great theoretical but practical significance to define the government responsibility in the supply of rural basic medical health services and build a new socialist countryside to achieve economic and social harmonious development. It is also important to point out the optimal path to strengthen the responsibility of the government to improve the current situation of rural basic medical health care. The issue of government responsibility in the supply of rural basic medical health services can be discussed in three parts in this paper. First of all, analysis the necessity of government responsibilities to assume rural basic medical and health services from the theoretical and policy dimensions. Then review and summary the role of government in health services in rural areas before and after the policy of reform and opening up. Meanwhile, introduce the typical models and experience of some developed countries and developing countries in providing rural medical health service. In the last part of the thesis, clarify the government’s flaw in the supply of rural basic health services in current. Put forward the realizing approach to strengthen the government responsibility in the supply of rural basic health services.


