

Nearly Five Years World Excellent Women’s Volleyball Team Receiving Offensive Tactical Dynamic Research

【作者】 卢俊锋

【导师】 陈铁成;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在当今排球攻守日趋平衡的情况下,接发球进攻战术打法运用效果的优劣直接影响着整个战术系统的运用质量。本文以2006年世锦赛、2007年世界杯、2008年奥运会、2010年世锦赛中巴西、美国、俄罗斯、意大利、中国等五国女排为主要研究对象;运用文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察统计等研究方法,从接发球进攻战术打法的组成、区域分布种类、运用效果三个层面进行了横向和纵向的比较分析,旨在了解近五年世界优秀女排接发球进攻战术打法的动态变化,最后比较分析中外优秀女排接发球进攻打法的差别,进而总结出世界女排中欧美球队占据上风;继续保持大型化、高度化、大龄化、快速化方向发展;接发球到位时进攻打法均以快攻为主,快攻打法以快球掩护两边拉开攻和单脚背飞为主;巴西、美国、意大利等国快攻打法组织运用丰富,俄罗斯有所发展,中国有所下降;世界优秀女排接发球到位时强攻区域集中在4号位,2号位和6号位:立体进攻区域集中在6号位;快攻打法以单脚背飞、快球掩护拉开攻、平拉开进攻为主;世界优秀女排接发球不能组织有效进攻时均以4号位调整攻,2号强攻和6号位强攻为主,各国女排没有差别。巴西女排强攻的进攻效果最为稳定,意大利、俄罗斯波动较大,中国女排则呈下降趋势。最后提出中国女排在北京奥运会后,备战伦敦奥运会的进程中要坚持快速多变的指导思想,积极发展后排进攻打法,保持较高的快攻组成率,发扬顽强拼搏的精神,创新远网快攻打法的策略。具体提出中国新女排必须坚持快变打法,同时吸收世界优秀女排打法特点,积极发展后排进攻,前后结合,加强进攻能力和变化能力;要继承传统,使新女排的接发球组织进攻真正以快变为主;通过科学的训练和比赛经验的提高来增强二传手组织进攻战术的质量;中国女排管理层要充分信任主帅,职权适当下放,同时坚强队伍建设,女排自身要认清形式,淡化金牌情结;中国女排必须营造大赛环境,练就女排过硬心理素质,赛练结合,科学训练,预防伤病。

【Abstract】 In today’s volleyball attacking, under the situation of increasingly balance receiving offensive tactical use the effect of propaganda directly affects the entire tactical system development. Based on the 2006 world championship,2007 World Cup, the 2008 Olympic Games, the 2010 championship Brazil, the United States, Russia, Italy, China women volleyball game five countries are the key for research object; Through documentary reference, statistics, video observation statistics method, from receiving offensive tactical composition, regional distribution types and application effect in three dimensions of the transverse and longitudinal comparison analysis, is to understand the nearly five years world excellent women’s volleyball team receiving attack the dynamic change of tactical comparative analysis, finally Chinese excellent volleyball volleyball receiving attack-minded and summed up the difference in the world women’s volleyball team Europe and the upper hand; Keep large-scale, deepening, the fund, the direction of older; When receiving in place are attack-minded mainly by rushing in fast-break game fast ball attack and single side cover started flying for the Lord; World excellent women’s volleyball team in place with receiving region to concentrate in 4,2 bits and 6 bit; Stereo attack on 6 regional position; Fast-break game with single instep fly, fast ball started PingLaKai offensive attack, cover the Lord; World excellent women’s volleyball team receiving cannot effectively when attacking are in 4 attack,2 bang adjustment and 6 a bang is given priority to, no difference between countries.boot Brazil, America, Italy and’other countries use rich fast-break game organization, Russian some development, China is decreased; Brazil, USA volleyball bang attack effect most stable, Italy, Russia volatile, Chinese women’s volleyball team decreased, Russia is using the most efficient countries back-row attacks.Finally put forward after Chinese women’s volleyball team at the Beijing Olympic Games, in the process of London’s Olympic preparations to insist on fast changeful guiding ideology, development, maintain a higher rear attack-minded composed rate, promote the rush, innovation spirit of indomi-table far nets of fast-break game strategy. Specificly new Chinese women’s volleyball team must adhere to put forward and absorb quickly become play volleyball world excellent play features and actively developing before and after the attack, with backseats, strengthen attack ability and change ability; Will inherit the traditional, make the new women’s volleyball team at a quick attack real receiving organization variable for the Lord; Through scientific training and competition experience improved to enhance the quality of a setter organization offense; Chinese women’s volleyball team management should fully trust manager devolved powers, and appropriately, strong team construction, women’s volleyball team itself should recognize form, weaken the gold medal complex; Chinese women’s volleyball team must build competition environment, practice women’s volleyball team, the psychological quality excellent practice union, scientific training, prevent injuries.


