

A Study of the Relations Among Chong-Yong Thinking and Coping Style、Subjective Well-being Among University Student

【作者】 刘俊

【导师】 李林;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在文献综述、访谈研究和半开放式问卷调查的基础上,收集与编写大学生中庸思维初始问卷的题项,并对问卷的题目进行项目分析、探索性因素分析、信效度检验和验证性因素分析。然后采用自编的大学生中庸思维问卷和已有的应对方式问卷、主观幸福感问卷进行测查,考察大学生中庸思维的现状,探索大学生中庸思维、应对方式和主观幸福感的关系。研究结果表明:(1)自编的大学生中庸思维问卷信度和效度良好,问卷包括和谐性、变通性、多面性、折中性四个维度,经检验问卷可作为研究使用。(2)大学生中庸思维在年级、不同家庭所在地、是否学生干部三个变量上存在显著差异。大一学生的中庸思维总体水平高于大三学生;城市出生大学生的中庸思维总体水平高于农村出生的大学生;任干部大学生的中庸思维总体水平高于非学生干部。(3)大学生中庸思维总体水平与积极应对呈显著正相关,且中庸思维对积极应对有显著的预测作用。(4)中庸思维总体水平与整体生活满意度、积极情感、总体主观幸福感都呈显著正相关;而中庸思维总体水平与消极情感呈显著负相关。变通性与和谐性对整体生活满意度有显著的正向预测作用;中庸思维对积极情感有显著的正向预测作用;变通性对消极情感有负向预测作用;变通性与折中性对总体主观幸福感有显著的正向预测作用。(5)消极情感与积极应对呈显著负相关,整体生活满意度、积极情感、总体主观幸福感与积极应对都成显著正相关。总体主观幸福感和整体生活满意度对积极应对有显著的正向预测作用;消极情感对消极应对有显著的正向预测作用。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the interview research and half open questionnaire survey.This research collect and compile the subject of initial questionnaire of Chong-Yong Thinking University Students, proceed project analyses、factor analysis、reliability and validity analyses、and then proceed survey adopting the questionnaire of Chong-Yong Thinking University Students、the questionnaire of Coping Style and the questionnaire of Subjective Well-Being, investigate situation of the questionnaire of Chong-Yong Thinking University Students, Explore the relation of the Chong-Yong Thinking University Students, Coping Style and Subjective Well-Being. The results show that:(1) The questionnaire of Chong-Yong Thinking University Students has good reliability and validity, included four dimensions:the Harmony, Flexibility, Multidimension, Compromise.(2) There is notable difference in class,different family, functionary and non-functionary of the Chong-Yong Thinking University Students, the Chong-Yong Thinking of Fresh is higher than Junior; the Chong-Yong Thinking of city-born University students is higher than country-born University students; the Chong-Yong Thinking of functionary University students is higher than non-functionary University students.(3) There is high correlation of the Chong-Yong Thinking University Students and Positive Coping Styles, the Chong-Yong Thinking is a good predictor of the Positive Coping Styles.(4) There exist obvious positive correlation between Chong-Yong Thinking and Satisfaction of Living, Positive Emotion, Whole Subjective Well-Being, There exist obvious positive correlation between Chong-Yong Thinking and Negative Emotion. Harmony and Flexibility are obvious positive predictor of the Satisfaction of Living, the Chong-Yong Thinking is a obvious positive predictor of the Positive Emotion, Flexibility is a obvious negative predictor of the Negative Emotion, Compromise and Flexibility are obvious positive predictor of the Subjective Well-Being.(5) There exist obvious negative correlation between Negative Emotion and Positive Coping,There exist obvious positive correlation between Satisfaction of Living, Positive Emotion, Subjective Well-Being and Positive Coping, Whole Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction of Living are obvious positive predictor of the Positive Coping, Negative Emotion is a obvious negative predictor of the Positive Coping.


