

The Situation of the Student’s "Shallow Reading" and the Reading Guidance of University Library

【作者】 董一凡

【导师】 陈林;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 图书馆学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过对省内外多所高校中数百名大学生阅读现状的抽样调查,系统分析大学生的“浅阅读”行为(网络阅读、手机阅读、博客浏览、“功利性阅读”及消谴娱乐类阅读)及主要特征(快速浏览、普及浅显、视听结合、休闲娱乐、互动共享)。针对大学生普遍存在的“浅阅读”的现状,考察了30余所高校图书馆网站,认为高校图书馆必须从以下八个方面开展导读工作:①客观审视并积极引导大学生的“浅阅读”。②掌握网络信息检索的方法与技巧,提高大学生的信息检索能力。③纸质推荐与网络推荐并举,强化文献保障体系建设。④加强学术搜索引擎平台的宣传和三大中文数据库的辅导。⑤积极探索手机阅读的导读模式。⑥建立多种类型的博客,发挥博客的导读功能。⑦正确认识娱乐性阅读并积极加以科学引导。⑧强化网络阅读理论与技术的研究。探讨大学生“浅阅读”特征与规律,目的是因势利导,使高校图书馆更有针对性地提供深层次、个性化、全方位的导读服务。

【Abstract】 This paper carrys on the sample survey and statistics which is about hundreds of student’s read status inside and outside the provice. Meantime, it analysises the students’ "shallow reading" behavior (reading puzzle、online reading、mobile reading、blog browse、"utilitarian reading" and entertainment reading) and main features (quick view、popularize and simple、audio-visual integration、entertainment、interactive sharing).Based on the situation of collegers’ "shallow reading" and the thirty university libraries’ home pages,8 aspects are discussed on Reading Guidance and measures.①take an objective look at and guide college students’ "shallow reading".②Master the network information retrieval methods and skills to impriove college students’ abilities of information retrieval.③Strengthen the literature guarantee system construction on behavor of Paper recommend and network recommend④rengthen the propagand about Academic Search platform and exploit the three main Chinese datebase.⑤Explore the mobile reading guidance actively⑥Build multiple types of blog and play blog guidance function.⑦accurately understand entertaining reading and actively to scientifically guiding.⑧Strengthen the research on the theory and technology of the online reading. The character and rules on college students’ "shallow reading" were discussed,whose arm is to improve college students’ abilities of information retrieva and make the reading guidance of university Library deep、all-around and Personalized


