

A Study of Liuliu’s TV Plays

【作者】 董雪

【导师】 张应辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从梳理新世纪国产家庭题材电视剧的创作概况入手,结合前人的研究成果,对六六电视剧的创作背景和剧作概况进行了简要分析,进而从主题选择、人物塑造和结局处理三个角度对六六电视剧的叙事特点进行了深入探究,并通过对六六剧与王海鸰剧中男性形象的比较,着力解读了六六电视剧投射出的两性映象。与此同时,本文还对六六电视剧文本所体现出的文化合谋现象进行了阐释。笔者认为,编剧六六对扁平人物的圆形化塑造、“圆中有缺”的结局处理、超越两性的“第三种立场”和对正统价值观的“去完美化”展现等个性化的创作方式是使其作品区别于其它同类电视剧的典型特征。希望本文能在学界前辈取得的研究成果的基础上,为国产电视剧,特别是国产家庭题材电视剧的研究图景增添新的视野与活力,并为家庭题材电视剧,甚至其它类型电视剧的创作提供一定的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 Basing on the previous research results, this article begins with the brief introduction of the creating situation of the domestic family TV plays in the new century and gives a concise analysis on the creating background and general information of the TV-plays which are written by Liuliu, an outstanding Chinese woman playwright. Then this article deeply researches the three narrative features of Liuliu’s plays from aspects of the theme choosing, character creating and the way of ending. Comparing with the TV-plays written by WangHailing, another famous woman playwright in China, this article mentions that Liuliu’s plays show a very special sexual conscious. Moreover, this article illustrates the combination of multi-culture included by Liuliu’s plays. I hope this article will expand the view of the research of the domestic family TV plays and provide certain beneficial reference to this type of TV-play, even other TV-play types.

【关键词】 六六叙事两性文化合谋
【Key words】 Liuliunarrationsexcultural combination

