The Research on Strategy for Wind Power Generation Development of Heilongjiang Province
【作者】 李蕾;
【导师】 范德成;
【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士
【摘要】 作为一种新型能源,风能具有安全、可再生、无污染、储量大的优点。黑龙江省具有风力资源较丰富、分布广泛、年平均风速大、年平均有效时数长的优势。因此根据我国风电发展的实际情况,对黑龙江省风力能源行业进行了剖析,并针对黑龙江省风力发电行业发展的最佳经济规模的构建提出了建议与对策。首先,从风电场的建设和风力发电设备制造业的发展两个方面对黑龙江省风力发电业的发展现状进行了调研,指出了其现有的建设规模和发展中存在的问题。其次,在调研的基础上,从企业管理的研究方法出发,对黑龙江省风力发电业的发展进行SWOT分析,指出了黑龙江省风力发电业发展所具有的优势、劣势,所面临的机遇和威胁。最后,在SWOT分析的基础上,分别对黑龙江省风电场的建设和风力发电设备制造业的发展提出了发展策略,并针对黑龙江省风力发电业存在的问题,提出了推进风力发电业发展的对策建议。
【Abstract】 The wind power is renewable, no pollution. And the reserves are huge. The wind energy of Heilongjiang Province is resource rich and widely distributed. The Heilongjiang Province has good base for development of wind power generation. The strategy and recommendations of construction of optimal economic scale for development of wind power generation in Heilongjiang Province are proposed.At first, development of wind power generation in Heilongjiang Province is investigated and researched. And the problems in development are indicated. Then SWOT method is used to analyze the development of wind power generation in Heilongjiang Province based on the investigation and research. And the advantage, disadvantage, opportunity and threaten of wind power generation in Heilongjiang Province are indicated. At last, based on the analysis with SWOT method, the strategies are proposed for development of wind farm and facility manufacturing. Eight suggestions are proposed to prompt the development of wind power generation in Heilongjiang Province.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 哈尔滨工程大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
- 【分类号】F426.61;TM614
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】126