

Research on Built Planning and Optimization of Jack-up Platform Block

【作者】 唐建伟

【导师】 夏桂华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个新兴的产业,海洋工程装备具有广阔的发展前景。大力发展海洋工程装备行业也已成为我国进一步调整产业结构、提升发展空间、培养新经济增长点的战略方向。在国家“十二五规划”中,对海洋工程装备行业进行了的重点介绍。目前,我国海工装备行业正在向现代造船模式转变,现代造船模式的重点内容之一就是项目管理技术。本文通过研究项目管理技术中的计划编制,提高我国现在海工装备行业的项目管理技术。本文以自升式平台平台分段为研究对象,分析了计划编制的内容,编制了海工装备的建造计划,并结合场地资源进行优化,主要的工作有以下几个方面:1、介绍了自升式平台的主要理论和方法。通过对分段划分准则的研究,总结出自升式平台分段划分的准则和特点;通过对计划管理流程的研究,构建了计划管理的流程图;通过对海工企业日程活动规律的研究,总结出海工企业定额工时的计算方法。2、构建了自升式平台平台分段的建造计划体系。通过对海工企业的调研,总结出自升式平台平台的建造活动过程,然后对活动过程进行总结、归纳,形成基于建造过程的计划体系,最终对计划体系的内容进行分析。3、总结计划编制的一般性原则和依据,利用工作分解结构和计划评审技术对自升式平台平台分段的分段组立计划进行编制,给出计划编制的实例。4、研究粒子群算法,并对粒子群算法进行改进,利用改进的粒子群算法在原计划的基础上结合分段场地资源进行优化,在缩短工期的同时,提高场地的利用率。

【Abstract】 Marine engineering equipment industry as an emerging industry, which has broad prospects for development. To develop the marine engineering equipment industry has become further adjust the industrial structure, enhance the development of space, cultivate new economic growth point of strategic direction. In the country "Twelve-Five-Year Plan" in the marine engineering equipment industry was the highlight. At present, China’s marine equipment industry is the shift to modern shipbuilding, modern shipbuilding mode is one of the key elements of project management techniques. In this paper, research project management techniques in planning, improve the marine equipment industry in China is now the project management techniques.Based on the platform of jack-up platform piecewise for research object, constructs the planning system, the construction of the equipment to work plan, and the optimized plans combined resources, the main job of the following aspects:This jack-up platform to platform in order to study the sub-object programming system constructed, prepared the construction plans of marine equipment, and after the preparation of the plan to optimize the combination of venues, the main work of the following:1, Introduced the jack-up platform, the main theories and methods. Sub-division of guidelines on the research, concluded from a lift platform, the criteria and characteristics of the sub-division; through the process of program management, program management of the flow chart was constructed; by marine activity patterns of corporate agenda introduce the marine business of fixed working hours calculation.2, Built jack-up platform platform sub-system of the construction plan. Marine enterprises through research, summed up the construction activities of the sea process of industrial enterprises, and then sum up the process of activities, induction, construct a system of programming content.3, Summing up the general planning principles and basis for the use of work breakdown structure and program evaluation and review technique jack-up platform to platform section of the sub-group established to plan the preparation, gives examples of planning in the bar graph.4,PSO is improved, improved particle swarm optimization based on the original plan to optimize the combination of sub-site resources to enhance the utilization of sub-sites.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F426.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】189
  • 攻读期成果

