

Study on Higher Engineering Education of China Based on the Development of Emerging Strategic Industries

【作者】 陶圆

【导师】 曾卫明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 国际金融危机的爆发催生了新的科技革命和产业革命,能否抓住大国崛起的重要契机,发展战略性新兴产业,抢占科技与经济的制高点,决定着国家的未来。而高等工程教育作为科技与经济发展的根基,更面临着新的挑战。经济全球化使科技对现代社会的影响正以不可预期的速度加剧。战略性新兴产业的发展,推动了经济的全球化、产业的转型,也推动着高等工程教育的改革和发展。在中国,跨国公司、大规模国企在全球各地开展研发、市场运作、销售、采购、服务等业务,急需大量全球化的优秀人才,这为我国的工程教育带来了前所未有的机遇,机遇中所凸显的问题也随之而来。战略性新兴产业的要求使中国面临着向服务型和知识密集型以及创新型产业转型的压力,这是对中国过去以培养工艺型和技能型人才为主的工程教育的巨大挑战。我国的工程教育能否在历史的转折点,充分借鉴国外的经验,取其精华去其糟粕,决定着我国综合国力的提升和国际竞争力的表现。本文主要包括三个方面:首先,对德国和美国的高等工程教育现状进行分析,总结出我国高等工程教育的借鉴之处。第二,对我国工业化崛起阶段、工业化发展阶段以及现阶段的工程教育现状进行阐述,从培养目标、专业及课程设置、实践环节以及教师工程能力等几方面入手,分析了我国高等工程教育存在的诸多问题。第三,针对问题,结合战略性新兴产业的发展对工程教育的影响,对我国高等工程教育模式的优化提出了对策和建议。

【Abstract】 With the explosion of international financial crisis, new technological revolution and Industrial Revolution are brought out. As an important promotive chance of a power, developing emerging industries of strategic importance and grading the commanding heights of technology and economy would decide the future of country.Though, as the origin of the development of technology and economy, higher engineering education faces a new challenge. Economic globalization makes the influence on modern society speeding up unexpectedly. The growth of the strategic new industry promotes the globalization and industrial transformation, at the same time, pushes the reformation and development of the higher engineering education. In China, for researching, marketing, selling, purchasing, serving business and so on in all parts of the world, multinational corporations and large scale state-owned enterprises urgently need numerous outstanding engineering talents. It brings unprecedented opportunities for the engineering education in China, but simultaneously, the problems are following. Emerging industries of strategic importance makes China face the pressure of reforming the industries into service-oriented, knowledge-intensive and creative-oriented ones. This is a huge challenge for the past engineering education which mainly aimed at training techniques and skill oriented talents.Based on the recognition above, this article analyzes existing problems in our higher engineering education from training aims, majors, curriculum setting, practice and engineering abilities of teacher. With the demand of emerging industries of strategic importance, this article offers countermeasure and suggestions for the optimization of our higher engineering education mode. Standing in the historic turning point, whether our engineering education learns foreign experience, takes the essence and discard the dregs will determine the raise of the overall national strength and international competition.

  • 【分类号】G649.2;TB-4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】538

