

Research on the Trajectory Planning and Control of a Hopping Robot

【作者】 何蕾

【导师】 胡胜海;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 跳跃机器人具有运动灵活度高,环境适应力强等优点,可广泛应用于考古探测、星际探索、军事侦察、地质勘探、森林防护、抢险救灾以及反恐救援等地势复杂的情况。近三十年来,对跳跃机器人的研究大都集中于腿型跳跃机器人。这种跳跃机器人仿生度高,运动灵活性好,但是由于其高度非线性和强耦合特性,增加了运动分析和控制的难度。本文将跳跃机器人抽象成一个平面冗余机器人,分阶段分析了跳跃机器人运动学和动力学特性。通过引入虚拟被动关节,建立了跳跃机器人浮动基模型,利用拉格朗日方法推导了跳跃运动统一的动力学方程,从约束变换角度区分运动的不同阶段,并给出了离地的判断条件。根据跳跃机器人起跳阶段和落地阶段任务空间的要求,利用可变五次多项式分别规划了跳跃机器人起跳阶段和落地阶段任务空间轨迹。利用梯度投影法求解起跳阶段关节空间轨迹,并从速度可操作性和动能最优方面对关节空间轨迹进行优化。在分析腾空相跳跃机器人的欠驱动特性基础上,推导了跳跃机器人等效全驱动模型。并利用梯度投影法求解主动关节轨迹。针对求解过程易出现动力学奇异这一问题做出了探讨。综合运用MATLAB/Simulink和MATLAB/SimMechanics仿真平台,建立了跳跃机器人控制器模型和机构模型,对跳跃机器人进行了关节空间轨迹跟踪控制仿真分析。利用跳跃机器人浮动基模型,建立了跳跃机器人状态空间模型。采用设计趋近律的方法在任务空间上设计滑模控制器,直接对任务空间轨迹进行控制。在MATLAB /Simulink和MATLAB/SimMechanics仿真环境下对控制系统进行仿真,检验了控制算法的有效性。本论文的研究工作,对腿式跳跃机器人的建模、轨迹规划和控制具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Hopping robot with the advantages of high kinetic dexterity and environmental adaptability can be widely applied to the complex and rough ground environment, such as the archaeological exploration, interstellar exploration, military reconnaissance, geological prospecting, forest protection, rescue and counter-terrorism relief etc. In recent 30 years, the research on hopping robot is mostly concentrated in the legged-hopping robot. This kind of hopping robot has the advantage of high Bionic and dexterity, but its highly nonlinear and strong coupling characteristics increase the difficulty of motion analysis and control.In this dissertation, the hopping robot is seen as a plane redundant robot. The kinematics and dynamic characteristics are analyzed by phases. The floating base model of hopping robot has been established by introducing the virtual passive joint. The unified dynamics equation of hopping robot including flight phase and stance phase has been achieved using Lagrange method based on the floating base, and the phases are distinguished by the difference of constraint. At the same time, the judging condition for the takeoff of hopping robot has been presented.According to the requirement of task space in takeoff phase and landing phase, using the variable parameter quintic polynomial the trajectory planning of hopping robot in task space has been worked. Using the Gradient Projection Method the trajectory of joint space has been computed, and the trajectory optimization has also been worked.After analyzing the underactuated characteristics of hopping robot in flying phase, the equivalent full-drive model of hopping robot has been developed. Using the Gradient Projection Method, the actuate joint trajectory has been computed. According to the problem of that the dynamic singularity is easily appeared during the computation, a discussion has been developed.By the comprehensive use of MATLAB/Simulink and MATLAB/SimMechanics simulation platform, the controller model and mechanics model of hopping robot are established, and the simulation of trajectory tracking in the joint space has been worked.Using the floating base model, the state space model of hopping robot has been developed. By design the reaching law, the silding mode controller has been designed in then task space, which can control the trajectory in task space directly. The control algorithm has been examined by the simulation in MATLAB/Simulink an MATLAB/SimMechanics.The study of this dissertation provides some reference value for the modeling, trajectory planning and control of hopping robot.


