

【作者】 王艳芳

【导师】 陆志明;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,我国的环境问题越来越严重,并呈现出结构型、复合型、压缩型的特点。从2004年造成近百万群众饮用水中断26天、直接经济损失达3亿多元的那起震惊全国的“沱江重大水污染事件”,到2005年国家环保总局紧急叫停总投资达1179亿元“未环评先上马”的30个大型违规建设项目,以及2005年11月13日吉化爆炸引起的松花江重大环境污染事件,再到2006年由于政府行政不作为导致的甘肃徽县数百万群众血铅超标和湖南岳阳饮用水源砷超标两起重大环境事件,2008年阳宗海砷污染事件和2010年西南地区干旱问题等等。这些突出的环境问题为我国加强对生态环境的保护敲响了警钟,拉响了警笛。因为政府在环境保护中具有特殊的地位和完备的功能,再加上政府具有提供公共物品的职责和环境本身的公共物品性;况且到目前为止,还没有任何一个组织和个人能够独立于政府完成环境保护的使命,所以我国政府必须利用其法律赋予的职能,带着危机意识在全社会范围内,承担起保护环境的法律责任和使命。虽然我国政府也逐渐意识到自己具有保护环境的责任,并采取了一定措施减少污染,保护环境。但是,这些与国外的大多数国家比起来,我国政府在环境保护方面所做的工作还远远不够,还没有把自己摆在环境保护的主体地位上。再加上长期受传统思想的影响,一些政府部门还没有意识到目前的环境危机感和自己的责任感。而国外很多国家不仅意识到了政府环境法律责任的重要性,而且还对其做了比较详尽且有效的规定。为了更好的保护人类生存的环境,落实科学发展观,我们必须加强对政府环境法律责任的建设。本论文通过对造成环境问题的原因和有效保护环境事项的深入分析,找出了解决环境问题和有效保护环境的主要责任人——政府。文章首先介绍了我国政府、政府环境责任的含义,并着重强调了文中政府环境责任是政府环境法律责任;其次阐述了我国有关政府环境责任的法律规定和当前的现状以及存在的问题;最后参考并借鉴国外政府环境责任(如美国、日本、俄罗斯等)中的精华,对我国政府环境法律责任的完善提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 With economic developing, the environmental problem of China is getting worse. It showed characteristics of structure, compound and compression-type. Since 2004 nearly one million people drinking water caused by interruption of 26 days, direct economic losses of more than 300 million yuan which shocked the country is "major water pollution incident in TuoJiang", to 2005 the State Environmental Protection Administration of emergency a total investment of 117.9 billion yuan stop "Not the EIA will be implemented first, "the illegal construction of 30 large projects. And November 13,2005 an explosion occurred in JiHua which caused major environmental pollution incident in Songhua River. In 2006, lead level exceeded in the millions of people’s blood in the Hui county of GanSu, and arsenic in drinking water exceeded in the Yueyang town of HuNan for the government administration not as a result. In 2008, YangZongHai contaminated by arsenic. In 2010 drought in southwest China. These outstanding environmental problems for our country to strengthen the protection of the ecological environment has sounded the alarm, sounding an alarm. In environmental protection because the government has a special status and a complete function, coupled with the Government has the responsibility to provide public goods and environmental public goods; Moreover, so far, no organization or individual can be independent of the government to complete the mission of environmental protection, so our government must use its functions under the law, with a sense of crisis within the whole of society to assume responsibility and environmental protection Mission. Although our government has gradually realized that he has a responsibility to protect the environment, and take some measures to reduce pollution and protect the environment. However, the majority of those with foreign countries than it, our government work in environmental protection is not enough, not to put myself on the dominant position in environmental protection. Coupled with long-standing tradition of thinking, some government departments have not yet realized that the current environmental crisis and their own sense of responsibility. And many foreign countries not only aware of the importance of environmental responsibility of government, but also made them more detailed and effective provisions. In order to protect human living environment better, implement the scientific concept of development, we must strengthen the construction of environmental responsibility on the Government.This paper on the causes and environmental problems caused by the effective protection of the environment issues in-depth. We find the government can solve environmental problems and protect the environment effective. The article first introduces our government, the meaning of environmental responsibility; second section describes the environmental responsibility of the government and the current status of the law; the last reference to environmental responsibility and learn from foreign governments (such as USA, Japan, Russia, etc.) in essence, Environmental responsibility of improving our government put forward several suggestions.

  • 【分类号】D922.68;D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】367
  • 攻读期成果

