

The Relations of Irrational Belief, Anger Expression, and Mental Health of College Students

【作者】 黄明贵

【导师】 钟思嘉;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的是探讨大学生的不合理信念、愤怒表达与心理健康之间的关系。研究工具在不合理信念方面,采用王玉(2009)编制的大学生不合理信念问卷,包括绝对化要求、糟糕至极、概括化评价和低挫折忍耐。在愤怒表达方面,采用Spielberger在1994年对STAXI-1的修订版STAXI-2的愤怒表达量表,包括控制对外愤怒、愤怒对外表达、控制向内愤怒、愤怒向内表达四个因子。在心理健康方面,采用中国科学院心理研究编制的中国心理健康量表(成人版简版),包括认知效能、情绪体验、自我认识、人际交往、适应能力五个因子。本研究抽取黑龙江地区四所高校共1033名本科学生作为研究对象,进行问卷调查,得有效样本882人。使用SPSS19.0对收集到的数据进行独立样本均值t检验、Pearson相关分析,并运用Amos16.0对测量模型和结构模型进行了检验,得出以下结论:大学生不合理信念、愤怒表达以及心理健康的一些因子在性别、是否独生子女以及生源地等变量上存在显著性差异。在控制对外愤怒、愤怒对外表达、控制向内愤怒和愤怒向内表达影响心理健康的结构模型中,不合理信念都产生显著性的调节作用。本研究除了根据研究结果进行进一步分析和讨论,并针对大学生心理健康教育、心理咨询以及未来研究等方面提出具体的建议。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study was investigated the relations among irrational beliefs, anger expression and mental health. The measure of irrational beliefs was the College Students’ Irrational Beliefs Questionnaire, which including four subscales:demandingness, awfulizing, overgeneralization and low frustration tolerance. The measure of expression of anger was the STAXI-2, which including four subscales:anger control-out, anger expression-out, anger control-in and anger expression-in. And the measure of mental health was used the Chinese Mental Health Inventory, including five subscales:emotion experience, self-awareness, relation communication, cognitive ability and adaption.The subjects were 882 college students from four universities of Heilongjiang provience in China. The results were used by t-test, correlation analysis and Amos 16.0 in the test of Measurement Model and Struetural Equation. The major findings of this study were that there were significant differences on the irrational bliefs of college students on gender, coming from the city or county, and single child in family or not, as the same as that of anger expression and mental health; and there was a significant moderating effect of irrational beliefs between anger expression and mental health.Based on the results, the suggestions of the mental health education of college students, psychological counseling and the future research were respectively discussed.


