

The Research of Dynamic Trust Model on Cloud Computing Platform

【作者】 崔超

【导师】 印桂生;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 云计算是在分布式计算、并行计算、网格计算基础上发展起来的新兴商业计算技术。它一经提出便受到了IT技术各个行业的追捧,随后被Microsoft、IBM、Amazon和Google等大公司相继投入到该技术的产品研发中,并已经取得了喜人的成果。云计算的提出根本性地改变计算机的使用方式。云计算与以往的分布式计算模式最大的不同点是它采用“生产者”和“消费者”相分离的商业模式为用户服务,并采用了最新的虚拟化技术将“云”端的丰富资源提供给互联网上的用户,从而最大限度内满足用户对服务质量的要求。但是云计算环境需要超大的规模分布式计算机服务做支撑,简单的依靠传统的安全技术手段已经不能够满足用户对于数据安全性的需求,如何保证“云”端数据的安全性成为解决云计算平台可靠性的核心任务,近年来越来越多的用户和学者开始关注云计算的安全性和可靠性等一系列问题。本文认为将已经成为研究热点的信任机制引入云计算平台是一个很好的选择。信任模型是在人类信任关系的基础抽象和总结出来的,现在已经成为信息安全领域的一个重要研究分支,但是当前对于信任模型的研究还处于起步阶段,很多问题还需要深入的研究和探讨。本文根据云计算的相关特性,对动态信任模型在云计算平台上的应用进行了深入研究和探讨。文章在对经典信任模型尤其是(Cloud-Based Trust Model, CBTM)信任模型的优缺点进行归纳、总结的基础上展开进一步研究,设计了适应云计算平台下的动态信任模型(Dynamic Window Trust, DWTrust),它是结合局部信任值计算和全局信任值计算的混合信任模型。和CBTM相比,DWTrust模型最大的不同点是引入了动态信任机制,并从微观层面上讨论了云计算平台的信任特征。DWTrust信任模型的任务是评价云计算环境中节点间信任关系,并以此为依据辅助节点进行信任决策。模型将局部信任度计算和全局信任度计算有机的结合发挥各自的优势,对提高云计算环境可信任的水平起到了很好的效果。在文章结尾,通过cloudsim仿真包验证了DWTrust信任模型在增强云计算平台的可信性方面是切实有效的。

【Abstract】 Cloud computing is a new business computing technology based on distributed computing, parallel computing and grid computing. It was pursued by all the industries of IT as soon as proposed, and was then researched and developed by large-scale companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Amazon and Google, that has won gratifying results. Cloud computing changes computer’s usage mode thoroughly after it was proposed.Distinct from distributed computing greatly, cloud computing uses the business model separating producer and consumer to serve users, and adopts new virtualization technology to provide abundant resources on the "cloud", in order to satisfy users’ demands for quality of service as much as possible. But cloud computing environment needs super large scale distributed computing service to support, simple traditional safety techniques have could not satisfy users’demand for data safety. How to ensure the data safety in the "cloud" becomes the core mission to solve the reliability of the cloud computing platform. Recently more and more users and scholars begin to pay more attentions on security and reliability of the cloud computing platform. This paper considered it a good choice to take trust mechanism which is a hot topic into cloud computing. Trust model is abstracted and summarized based on trust relation in society, which has become a major branch in the information safety field. But the research of trust model is still at an early stage, many problems need to be researched and discussed deeply. This paper studies dynamic trust model’s application on cloud conputing platform in deep according to the correlation properties of the cloud computing.This paper launches further research based on generalizing merit and demerit of Classic trust model especially CBTM(Cloud-Based Trust Model), and designs a new dynamic trust model suiting Cloud computing platform called DWTrust (Dynamic Window Trust). It is a comprehensive trust model which combines local trust with global trust. The biggest difference from CBTM is that the DWTrust brings dynamic trust mechanism, and discuss the trust properties of cloud computing platform from microcosmic level. The mission of the DWTrust is to estimate the trust relation between nodes of cloud computing environment, and assist nodes to make the trust decision according to the estimated results. This paper combines local trust with global trust and produce advantages respectively to improve credible level of cloud computing environment. At the end of the paper, the simulation test proves that it is effective to enhance the cloud computing platform’s credibility using DWTrust trust model.


