

Virtual Simulation of Ship Orientation and Path-following Control Systems

【作者】 赵桂梅

【导师】 张利军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在科学的研究中,科学验证是必不可少的环节,但实物实验受实验条件的制约,耗费大量的人力物力,甚至危及实验人员的人身安全,随着计算机技术的发展,计算机仿真成为了科学验证的必要手段,虚拟现实技术的出现使仿真更加直观,更好的实现人机交互,能够更有效的对科学研究成果进行验证,可视化仿真作为虚拟现实仿真的一个重要分支,近年来成为了研究的热点。在船舶控制领域,虚拟现实仿真大多数为半实物仿真或以图形工作站为中心的仿真机群构建的视景仿真系统,科研成本较高,对于缺少科研经费的机构或组织很难进行此方面的研究,限制了虚拟现实技术的普及及推广。本论文以个人计算机为硬件基础,以船舶的航迹/航向控制系统为对象,利用虚拟现实技术搭建了可视化仿真系统,将控制算法与三维视景有机结合;利用Matlab与VisualC++混合编程,实现了数字仿真与可视化仿真的统一;利用在线运算的算法编程模式,在线模拟船舶在海上运动时遇到的多种情况。具体内容如下:首先,分别选定了船舶的运动模型、舵机、船舶航迹控制器与航向控制器的数学模型及干扰的数学模型。其次,采用龙格库塔法数值积分法,利用Matlab对于预先建立的数学模型进行适用于在线运算的数字仿真研究。再次,利用Multigen Creator与Vega模拟真实环境对虚拟现实环境进行了建模,为可视化仿真系统搭建了三维虚拟场景。最后,以Visual C++为开发环境,利用基于COM的Matlab与VC++混合编程用于控制算法的运算,利用Vega API进行虚拟场景的编译,将可视化仿真与数字仿真有机融合,并可将数字仿真曲线与三维场景元素的运动同步展现在船舶航迹/航向控制的可视化仿真系统中。

【Abstract】 Scientific verification is an indispensable node in science researches. Practical experiments are restricted by experimental conditions and consume mountains of manpower and material resources, may even threaten the life of who takes the experiment. As the development of computer technology, computer simulation has been an important method to compensate for the unaccomplished practical experiments. It was the emerging of virtual reality that made simulation become more vivid. Human-computer interaction gives more effective ways to prove scientific achievements. In recent years, virtual simulation have gained increasingly attention as a significant branch. Majorities of virtual reality technologies adopted in ship control fields are based on half practically simulation or on virtual simulation system established by a series of simulating computers. The simulation system with high cost as mentioned above was not easy to carry out by institute or agency lack of funds, which set a limitation to the spread of virtual reality.This paper selects a connection of ship orientation/tracking control algorithms and 3D scene by building up a virtual simulation platform on personal computer. A unity of digital simulation and virtual simulation is achieved through Matlab-Visual C++ mixed programming. Moreover, in help of online computation, this platform is able to imitate different kinds of situations in which ship was likely to meet on sea.Firstly, the kinematic model of ship, and the mathematical models of rudder, ship tracking controller, ship directional controller, and disturbance is simulated.Secondly, Runge-Kutta numerical integration is applied to digital simulation study in Matlab to study the models above.Then,3D virtual scene of virtual simulation system is constructed in Creator and Vega, through which virtual environment was founded referenced to real environment.At last, choosing Visual C++ as the main exploit plat, adopting Matlab-VC++ mixed programming to calculate control algorithm, calling Vega API to edit virtual scene, and making combination through virtual simulation and digital simulation for ship tracking/orientation control virtual simulation systems.


