

Studies on Geological Environment Variation of the Lead-zinc Mine in Maoping, Zhaotong City

【作者】 赵晓林

【导师】 李俊;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 毛坪铅锌矿区山高坡陡,松散物源丰富,暴雨集中,民采严重,现状条件下崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面沉陷、水土流失和污染等地质环境问题较严重。随着矿山开发强度的加大,采矿废石、弃渣积存量增加,采选矿活动对地质环境的扰动增强,将使矿山地质环境发生严重变异。论文以认识毛坪铅锌矿矿山地质环境变异规律为基点,在对矿山地质环境做了详细调查的基础上,分析矿山地质环境影响的内外因素,查明了该区现状存在的变异类型及分布、演变规律,选用模糊综合评判法对矿山地质环境质量作出现状评价,并以现状评价为基础,变异规律为指导,应用可拓聚类预测法对矿山地质环境质量作出预测评价,为矿山地质环境保护和恢复治理提供科学依据。通过本项研究,取得如下成果及认识:1.现状条件下,毛坪铅锌矿山地质环境问题具有类型齐全,破坏面广,采空区密布、采空塌陷地质灾害隐患突出、水资源严重破坏以及损失严重、危害极大5个特点。2.矿山存在13种地质环境变异类型,即:滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,地表移动、地面塌陷、地面沉降与地裂缝,水土流失、土地占用与破坏,泉水干枯、地下水位下降,水污染和土壤污染。3.矿山地质环境变异具有人为性、群发性、衍生性、区域性和影响多面性的特点;其环境效应主要表现在:地面基础设施的破坏,耕地的破坏和矿区水土资源的影响。4.根据研究区地质背景条件、矿业活动影响和主要存在的地质环境问题,以地质背景、地质灾害、水土环境破坏、矿产开发和水文植被5大要素共25个指标建立了矿区地质环境质量综合评价指标体系。5.采用多层次模糊综合评判模型对矿山地质环境质量作出现状评价,结果表明,研究区地质环境质量可分为好、较好、较差和差四个等级,且差区分布于整合前矿山密集区。6.应用可拓聚类预测方法评价矿山开采后5年的地质环境质量,结果表明,矿山开采后,地质环境质量可分为好、较好、较差和差四个等级,且差区分布于整合前矿山密集区和未来主采区上方及边部,系由现状地质环境质量较差区和差区变异而成。

【Abstract】 Geological problems are more serious under the current conditions, such as collapses, landslide, debris flow, ground subsidence, water-soil erosion, etc. in Lead-Zinc district in Maoping, just as high mountains and steep slopes, rich loose material source, concentrated heavy rain and serious private mining. The mine geological environment will vary badly with increasing development intensity, just because a large number of mining waste rock and debris is increasing and geological environment is disturbed strongly by mining and mineral processing activities. This paper, taking the recognition of variation regular pattern of mine geological environment of Lead-Zinc district in Maoping as a basispoint, internal and external affecting factors of the mine geological environment was analyzed, and the type, regularities of distribution and evolution of variation existing at current situation are ascertained, based on the mine geological environment investigated detailedly. Quality assessment for status of the mine geological environment is completed using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evalution Method, and forecast quality of the mine geological environment is assessed using Extension Clustering Predicion Method, as the basis for the results of the evaluation for status and variation patterns for guidance, to provide a scientific basis for management of peotection and restoration for the mining geology environmention.Through this study, the results and understanding following are achicved:1. Mine geological environment has five characteristics, such as complete type, wide damage area, densely goaf and prominent mine geological disaster, and severe water damage and severe losses and great harm.2. There are 13 kinds variation of geological environment in study area, namely: landslide, collapses, debris flow, ground movement, ground subsidence, ground crack, water-soil erosion, land occupation and destruction, spring dried up, ground water level descend, water pollution and soil contamination.3. Variation of the mine geological environment has features with artificial, mass, derivatives, regional and influence a wide range. The environment effect mainly displays in three aspects:damage to the infrastructure, the destruction of arable land and impact of mine water and soil.4. Mining geological environment quality evaluation system is established, with five major categories of 25 indicators:the specific geological setting, geological hazards, water and soil environment destruction, mining and hydro-vegetation, based on the geological background conditions, affect of mining activities, and mainly geological environment problems.5. Quality assessment for status of the mine geological environment is completed using Multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evalution model. The results show that:geological environment of the study area is divided into four levels:better, good, relatively poor, poor, and the poor area located in the concentrated area of mines before integrated.6. The quality of geological environment after five years mined is assessed using Extension Clustering Prediction Model. The results show that:the geological environment can be divided into four leves:better, good, relatively poor and poor, and the poor areas located in the concentrated area of mines before integrated, and the main mining in future and its side, varing from the area of relatively poor and poor of the status.


