

An Empirical Study of the Teaching of Lexical Chunks and Improvement of College English Reading Ability

【作者】 郑著运

【导师】 朱亚夫;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球一体化的发展,人们越来越重视英语在国际交流中的地位和作用。因此英语教学活动也受到了越来越大的关注。对于大学生来说,要想在科研方面取得成绩,研究国外的先进著作和思想是必不可少的。这就对学生的阅读能力提出了更高的要求。因此研究如何提高大学生的英语水平,特别是如何提高大学生的英语阅读能力和水平,对于他们的科研水平与工作能力的提高都具有重要的意义。目前,我国的大学英语阅读能力的教学,教师往往都把重点放在了词汇、词组等方面,而却忽视了语块教学和语言信息加工理论对于学生英语阅读能力提高的重要性。可以说,正是语块的缺乏才导致学生阅读水平很难实现质的飞跃。语块能明显促进大学生的语言表达能力和阅读能力;语块与学生的阅读水平之间存在着明显的正相关关系。在大学英语阅读教学中,实践和加强语块教学,有意识地培养学生的语块识别和运用的能力,能够从根本上提高学生英语阅读能力。在大学英语阅读教学中,如果学生能够对语块进行整体学习并将它们储存在记忆中,这样,在使用的时候就可以直接提取相应的语块,从而可以提高对语言资源信息的处理效率。语块教学符合我国大学生认知和学习的基本特点和规律,有利于提高大学生的英语阅读能力。因此,在大学英语阅读教学中,应该积极探索语块教学,将语块教学作为纽带,在立足主题语境的基础上,培养大学生的英语阅读能力,这对于我国的英语教学改革同样具有理论和实践意义。语块教学法是一种新兴起的教学模式,具有其自身的优势,能够适应我国当前重视词汇教学的现实。本文以语块教学理论和语言信息加工理论为基础,对语块教学是否能够提高大学生的英语阅读能力进行了研究。目的是探讨将语块教学应用到大学英语阅读教学中的可行性。作者选取了两个平行班级进行实验,其中一个是控制组,另一个是实验组,在实验前对两个班级的大学生进行了阅读能力测验,结果差异不显著。通过对实验班的大学生实施了语块教学,一个学期后,对这两个班的学生进行了阅读能力测验,通过对研究数据的分析和研究,作者认为语块教学能够提高大学生的英语阅读能力。因此,在实际大学英语阅读教学中,应该对语块教学的作用给予充分重视,将语块作为基本的词汇单位。大学英语教师应该注重培养学生的语块意识和识别语块的敏感性,突出语块在大学英语阅读中的地位,使学生能够掌握并在英语阅读训练中熟练运用语块。鼓励学生提高运用语块和相应的阅读策略进行阅读的能力,从而促进大学生阅读水平的提高。

【Abstract】 With the progress and development of the global integration, the people are paying more attention to the role and position of the English in the international communication. Accordingly, the English teaching activities are also paid more attention to in the world of school education. The learning of English is inevitable for most of the undergraduates to look for and seek the advanced works and ideas in order to gain the achievements in the scientific research. This situation puts forward higher requirements for the reading ability of the English-learning students. And therefore, this paper is attempted to make a research of how to improve the English level of the undergraduates, especially how to improve the students’ English reading ability. As we know, the English reading of the undergraduates is of great significance for improving their level of the scientific research and working ability. At present, the training and teaching of the college English reading ability pays more attention to the vocabulary and the phrases. It ignores the importance of the teaching of the lexical chunks and the theory of the information processing to improve the English reading ability of the undergraduates. To some extent, the lack of the knowledge and mastery of the lexical chunks makes it difficult for the undergraduates to realize the qualitative leap in the English reading level.It is believed that the adequate knowledge of lexical chunks can obviously prompt the language competence and the reading ability of the undergraduates. There is a significant positive correlation between the lexical chunks and the English reading level of the undergraduates. Therefore, in the teaching of the college English reading, it is important to practice and strengthen the teaching of the lexical chunks. And it is also important to cultivate the ability of the undergraduates to recognize and use the lexical chunks consciously. By doing this we will be able to improve the ability of the English reading of the undergraduates fundamentally. In the college English teaching, if the undergraduates are able to study the lexical chunks as a whole and store them in their memory, they will directly extract the corresponding lexical chunks when they use them. Thus it is able to improve the efficiency of the undergraduates to process the information of the language resources. The teaching of the lexical chunks is appropriate for the basic characteristics and rules of the recognition and learning of the Chinese undergraduates. And it is good to improve the English reading ability of the undergraduates. Therefore, in the college English reading teaching, the teachers should actively deplore the ways to teach the lexical chunks to their students. They should regard the teaching of the lexical chunks as the ligament and cultivate the English reading ability of the undergraduates on the basis of the language environment of the themes. It has the theoretical and practical meaning to the change of the English teaching in China. The teaching of the lexical chunks is a new kind of teaching mode. It has its own advantages and it is able to adapt to the current actuality of paying attention to the vocabulary teaching.This paper is attempted to make an empirical study of whether the teaching of the lexical chunks is able to improve the English reading ability of the undergraduates on the basis of the theory of the teaching of the lexical chunks and the theory of the information processing of the language. The aim of the research is to discuss the feasibility of applying the teaching of the lexical chunks to the college English reading teaching. In the study, the author chose two parallel classes to carry out the experiment. One class is the experimental class. And the other class is the controlled class. The author conducted a pretest for the English reading ability of the undergraduates in these two classes before the experiment. The results of the experiment are not obvious. Then the author implements the teaching of the lexical chunks to the undergraduates in the experimental class. After one semester, the author tested the reading ability of the undergraduates in the two classes. Through the analysis and research of the research data, the author finds that the teaching of the lexical chunks is able to improve the English reading ability of the undergraduates. Therefore, during the process of the college English reading teaching, the teachers should pay more attention to the role of the teaching of the lexical chunks and regard the lexical chunks as the basic unit of the vocabulary. The college English teachers should pay attention to cultivate the consciousness of the lexical chunks and the sensibility of recognizing the lexical chunks of the undergraduates. They should highlight the position of the lexical chunks of in the college English reading and make the undergraduates grasp and take advantage of the lexical chunks skillfully in the college English reading process. And they should also encourage the undergraduates to take advantage of the lexical chunks and the corresponding reading strategies to carry out the reading in order to prompt the improvement of the English reading level of the undergraduates.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】315

